Page 57 of Sliding into Home

God, that would be amazing. Did she dare hope for that? “But what if it doesn’t?” she whispered.

“What is it you always say to Max? There’s never any shame in trying?” He placed his hand on her hip and with one quick move, he pulled her onto his lap, so they were face to face. “Be brave with me, Kia. Where would you be if you hadn’t gone after what you wanted?”

She thought of all the things she’d been afraid to do. Becoming a tattoo artist, having Max, telling her parents she was pregnant, moving to San Diego. As hard as the road had been, she wouldn’t trade it for anything.

“Think how great we could be together,” he said.

“It could be pretty amazing.” But there was also a very real possibility they wouldn’t work out. She shifted her weight on his lap to get more comfortable as she looked at him. Everything about him made her want to jump.

Jeff bit back a groan as his hand tightened on her hip and suddenly she became conscious of their position. What had felt like a comforting position only a moment ago now felt incredibly erotic. She could feel him getting hard. She held his stare and shifted her weight slightly, grinding against his cock.

His eyes darkened and his fingers dug into her hips, holding her in place. “Kia,” he warned.

“Mm hmm,” she said as she rocked against him again. “Maybe we don’t tell anyone we’re doing this.”

“Yeah, we already agreed we wouldn’t tell Max.”

She chewed her bottom lip. “I was meaning more like we don’t tell anyone that we are sleeping together, not your friends, not my sister. We just keep this part of our relationship private.”

His eyes narrowed. “Why? I mean, I get not wanting Max to know, but what’s it matter if our friends do?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. What if it doesn’t work out? Then there’s just more questions and drama.” God, it was hard to think while sitting on his lap like this. “Having Max changes things. We’ll be in each other’s lives regardless of what happens, which is fine, but having other people’s opinions makes an already cloudy situation really murky,”

“I can see that, I guess.”

She shifted her hips, grinding her clit on his cock through their clothes. “Besides, it could be kind of fun to just be each other’s dirty little secret.”

Jeff’s nostrils flared and a sexy smile curled up one side of his mouth. “Oh yeah? Does that mean you want to get dirty with me?”

She looked him in the eyes and licked her lips. “I want to get fucking filthy.”

“Jesus,” he groaned. “So are we agreed we’re doing this, then?”

“Yes, but Max doesn’t know. No one does. We keep things the same as they are now where he’s concerned. We keep it casual.”

Jeff threaded his hand around the back of her head and gripped her hair tight, holding her in place. “For now,” he growled. His lips crashed against hers, leaving her with no chance to argue.

Chapter Fifteen

Histonguepressedintoher mouth, claiming her.

God, she didn’t know what she’d agreed to exactly and frankly, she didn’t care.

His finger dipped beneath the edge of her shirt, touching her bare skin. She held her breath, hoping he would push her shirt higher.

He dragged his nose along her neck. “Why do you always smell so fucking good?”

“It’s cocoa butter,” she murmured.

“Hmm.” His tongue ran from her collarbone up to her earlobe.

Kia dropped her head back and closed her eyes. Goosebumps danced across her skin everywhere his tongue touched. Needing more, she reached up and pushed her hair off her shoulder to give him better access to her neck.

Had it been this good between them the first time? She remembered it being amazing, but this? What was going on? A dry hump, a little tongue and her entire body was on fire.

Before this moment she’d honestly thought having a baby had short-circuited something in her brain, dulled the trigger on her libido. Well, not her libido but the partner induced orgasm button for sure. Yes, she could get there, but it was a hell of a lot easier to do it by herself. Ever since she’d had Max, her stupid mom-guilt brain never wanted to shut off when she was with a man. Hell, that’s why she always used toys with her partners. No toy needed here. What was so different about Jeff?

Yes, the man could kiss, but so could lots of people. So why did it feel like if he simply flicked her clit she’d come already?