Page 107 of Sliding into Home

Jeff’s chest tightened. He hated Matthias for sharing that experience with her. As he looked at the man in front of him, he realized he wasn’t jealous of Matthias because he had a relationship with Kia. He was jealous because he’d missed seeing her success in that way. Missed seeing people celebrate how talented she was, and Matthias hadn’t. The revelation nearly knocked him on his ass. He shifted in his seat. Maybe Kia was right about his jealousy. He trusted her completely. It didn’t matter who she tattooed or hung out with. Kia wasn’t the kind of person he needed to worry about. That wasn’t who she was.

Matthias nodded toward him. “What just happened there?”

Fuck, the guy was observant. “Nothing. I just…I need to talk to Kia.”

“You think you can work things out with her?”

“I sure hope so.”

Matthias scowled. “You hope so? What kind of weak ass comment is that? You hope so. Is that the attitude you’re going to have about the press conference, too? Because I have to tell you I’m banking a lot on the fact that you can turn this around with the media.” Matthias leaned forward in his chair. “As much as I respect Saskia, I’m in the business to make money and if you’re costing me money, then that needs to be changed.”

Cal shifted in the seat beside him. “Understood.”

Matthias tilted his head to the side, assessing Jeff. “That go for you, too?”

“Yes, sir,” Jeff replied. “I’ll make things right with the press, but just so we’re clear, I’m not going to apologize for telling them they were out of line going after my kid.”

“Of course not,” Matthias replied. “Talk to the media liaison and put something together that makes them love you again. But nobody expects you to sell your soul to do that.”

Jeff breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I’ll speak to Kirsty first thing tomorrow.” Because tonight he needed to speak to Kia. He flicked a glance at his watch. If he didn’t get his ass in gear, Max would already be in bed when he got there, and he needed to see him tonight as well.

“See that you do.” Matthias turned to Cal. “I’ll expect a full report on the plan tomorrow afternoon.”


“Close the door on your way out,” Matthias said. And just like that, they were dismissed. Jeff stood up and shuffled to the door behind Cal. At the door, he paused and turned back around. “Thanks again for giving me a chance to fix this.”

“Don’t make me regret it,” Matthias replied.

“I won’t.” Jeff turned and walked out the door, closing it behind himself as he left the room.

Cal breathed a sigh of relief. “That went a lot better than I’d hoped.”

“No shit.”

“You got lucky with him knowing Kia.” Cal shook his head. “Small world, hey? What are the odds?”

“Yeah.” He still couldn’t figure out why Kia hadn’t told him she knew the new owner of the team. You’d think that would have been something she’d share with him since the guy was his boss.

“You heading there now?” Cal asked.

“Yeah. I’m going to grab a quick shower, then head over there. Assuming she’ll let me in.”

“She’s that pissed?”

Jeff laughed, the sound without humor. “That’s putting it mildly.”

“Well, good luck. Either way, I’ll expect you in Kirsty’s office tomorrow morning 9:00 am.”

“No problem.” They walked toward the elevator, and he punched the button for the player’s floor. His mind raced as he replayed the conversation with his boss. Who knew Matthias Hoffman would be so cool? When he’d heard a group of friends had bought the team last year, he’d expected a bunch of spoiled trust fund babies. And they’d all been waiting to see what kind of stupid shit they’d change. But Matthias seemed okay. Hell, he seemed more than okay. Thank god.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Kialayonthebed beside Max and eyed the stack of books he’d dragged onto the mattress. “Just how many books do you think we’re reading tonight?”

Max grinned at her. The devilish twinkle in his eye looked so much like his dad it made her chest hurt.

It had only been a couple days since they’d fought and already she missed him. Watching the game with Max had been harder than she’d expected. Max had been disappointed they didn’t go to the game. Guilt tore at her stomach. It had been petty of her to stay home. Her actions didn’t just affect Jeff, they hurt her son as well. She’d promised herself when they started this thing she wouldn’t let anything negatively affect Max. And yet here she was at the first sign of trouble keeping Max away from the game. Sure, she’d tried to convince herself that it was in Max’s best interest to miss the game because of the media.