Page 61 of Throwing the Curve

“Glad you liked it. Guess that means I get to keep my dick for another day.” He glanced down at her and smirked when she narrowed her eyes at him.

“Keep it up, mister,” she said.

“Yeah? Or what?”

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll think of something.” Her lips pursed together tightly like she was racking her brain for some kind of payback.

Ryan chuckled. “Okay, wake me up when you do.” He closed his eyes and dropped his head against the seat cushion. Life didn’t get better than this.

Chapter Twelve

Ryan looked up at the flight board and scanned for their flight. Delayed. Fuck. He’d been planning to head to Peyton’s tonight when they got into town, but the way things were heading that would not be happening.

For the past two weeks, they’d squeezed in several nights together in between his games and travel. He couldn’t believe how much he looked forward to seeing her. When they’d first started this whole thing, he hadn’t expected to enjoy spending time with her nearly as much as he did. Everything about Peyton was the exact opposite of his first impression.

When he’d originally suggested they hook up, he’d expected to go by her place, fuck, and be on his way. Now he found himself lingering, making up excuses to stay. He’d never met anyone else who loved spoofy horror movies as much as he did. Okay, so most people wouldn’t say 80’s horror movies were spoofy but come on, Jason wore a fucking paper bag over his head in the second movie. How was that supposed to be taken seriously?

Gonzo dropped into the seat beside him. “Isn’t your ass numb from sitting in that chair for so long? I don’t think you’ve moved in the past three hours.”

“Eh. Misspent youth playing video games to unwind. You’d be surprised how long my ass can sit in a chair.”

“That’s pathetic, man.”

“You say pathetic, I say hidden superpower.” He stretched his arms over his head. Although now that Gonzo mentioned it his ass was a kind of numb. Flicking his wrist over, he glanced at the time, then up at the board again. “Fuck, we still have another hour before they expect to call our flight. “I’m getting something to eat. You want to come?”

“Yeah, why not?” Gonzo pushed out of the seat beside Ryan. The chair groaned from the pressure.

“Jesus, man. Easy. You’re standing up, not fucking bench pressing the thing.”

“Don’t hate just because I can bench more than you.” The cocky bastard winked at Ryan as he spoke.

“Maybe it’s cuz your ass is bigger than mine?”

“Are you fat shaming me?”

Ryan eyed Gonzo. The guy was fucking huge, but definitely not fat by anyone’s standards. When he’d first joined the team, Gonzo had been a bit soft, but over the past year, he’d been hitting the gym hard. The extra pounds of muscle had paid off because he now had one of the best batting averages in the league. “Yeah, Nancy, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Fuck off,” he laughed.

Flexing his peck muscles so they danced, Gonzo waggled his eyebrows. Ryan shook his head. “Dude, does that really impress anyone?”

Gonzo tilted his head toward a group of women sitting a couple rows away who all were raptly staring. Okay, apparently it did work.

Ryan shoved his bag toward Sims. “Can you watch our stuff?”

Sims pulled his earbud out. “What?”

“Can you watch our stuff?”

“Sure, no problem.”

“You want me to bring you back any food?” Ryan asked.

Sims stretched and rubbed both hands over his face. “A smoothie or something would be sick if you can find one.”

“You got it.”

Ryan scanned the crowd as they walked through the airport. “Holy shit,” he muttered.

“What?” Gonzo’s gaze darted around as he tried to see what Ryan was so excited about.