Page 111 of Ignition Sequence

He straightened to draw her arms behind her. He knotted the belt around her wrists deftly enough she couldn’t quickly figure out how to get out of it. Especially when any mental skills she could apply to it had disappeared.

She didn’t have the same fear of it she’d had in the chair. What she feared right now was far greater than that.

He picked up the vibrator. She hadn’t expected him to use it here, but he pushed it under her clit and turned it on. Not the midlevel range, but the highest one, the one that she’d learned would give her an intense, almost painful orgasm in a matter of seconds. She’d always pulled it away before that happened, put it on the slower setting.

He wasn’t giving her that option. The way he was holding her, she was like the woman at the party. No ability to avoid the sensations, building so fast, pulsing and grinding against her cunt.

Forced orgasm. This was why forced orgasm was a form of torture. “No,” she gasped. “Please, no.”

“Let it happen, Les. Or safeword.”

“No…” It was too much, tearing into her soul like teeth. It frightened her. “No…”

“Safeword, Les, goddamn it.”

She shook her head, her heart pumping painful, poisonous emotions.

“Need to hurt, to suffer…” She never would have put a climax in that category, but he was proving its capabilities.

“Fuck it, I’m doing it for you.” The vibrator was pulled away. The jolt to her body had her struggling against him, but she was no match for his determination.

Brick removed the belt, lifted and turned her over. Before she could do anything, he’d knotted it around her wrists again and pushed her arms up above her head. Putting a knee on the bed between her legs, he leveled a hard expression upon her agitated face.

“It’s not your job to decide you need to suffer, Les. Is it?”

She brought her hands down in a swift movement, hitting his chest with her bound and clenched fists. He shoved them back over her head, holding them there as he leaned over her. Tears had leaked from her eyes, but she didn’t want to be cuddled or comforted. She wanted the poisonous feeling in her gut gone.

He reached between them and freed himself from his jeans. His cock pushed between her labia, teasing the wetness. When she would have defiantly thrust her hips up, he seized her face, fingers against her throat.

“Un-hunh. You lift your hips carefully, slide your cunt over the head of my cock. Tease it, let me know how much you want it without trying to take it.”

“I hate you.”

“If that’s what you need right now, hate me all you want, baby. But you’ll also take every inch of me.” His voice gentled. “Rub yourself against me, Les. Don’t try to put me inside of you. You have to earn that. Let the rest of it go.”

“I can’t,” she whimpered.

“Do what I tell you.”

She lifted her hips again, this time under his guidance. She positioned herself so the tip of his erection slid between her labia, up and down, a swirl that put pressure beneath her clit and made her keep her lip tight between her teeth.

“Good. Keep doing it.”

She did, her breath turning to a rasp. He’d braced himself on one arm, and him watching her bathe his cock with her juices made her want him even more,

“You’re steadier now. Good.” The hot flash in his eyes had her biting back an unwise protest as he stood up at the end of the bed. He was still between her knees, his erection mouthwateringly close. He picked up the vibrator again.

“Give me your hands, doc.” He slid the handle into the clasp of her bound hands, positioning the toy against her sex. This time when he turned it on, he chose a lower setting, but with how aroused she was, her body immediately stiffened, a groan wresting itself from her lips.

He put his fingers on either side of the wand’s bulbous head, stroking and squeezing her labia and clit around the vibration. It varied and intensified it. When her clit was spasming, he shifted the wand’s head so it was deeper against her wet opening, those currents of energy teasing and tickling everything directly and indirectly in its reach, all while he continued to stroke her with his own fingers.

She was writhing, lifting to him, him staring down at her, holding her agitated gaze with his own glittering one. He stroked her stomach, her breast, fingers teasing her nipple, plucking it to give a little pain. Back down, over one thigh, then the other. He lifted one of her feet, placing it over his erection, a solid weight under the sole. She licked her lips when he rolled his hips against the pressure.

“You’ve fantasized about me while using it, haven’t you?”

No room for self-consciousness or embarrassment. “Yes, Sir. A lot.”

“Hmm. Anything else?”