Page 28 of Shots Fired

“No, I was in the army. I ended up carrying a lot of men to safety and listened and learned fast to evaluate the situation and get them to help, with the most critical first,” Jasper says. “It’s not pretty what happened in the accident, and I’m going to wait around for my own peace of mind, but I think that boy in there”—he points to the sliding doors separating us from where Zeke is—“is more pissed off than hurt at this point. He’s also crazy worried about you.”

“Jasper’s right. Your man, Zeke, he kept looking to make sure you were safe,” Cathy affirms. “He’s a special young man. You’re a very lucky girl.” She grins shyly.

The doors are shoved open, and a doctor steps through. “Who’s here for Zeke Chambers? I’m Dr. Finch. Who here is family?”

We all get up, but Caleb makes it to the doctor first. “Detective Zeke Chambers is an officer, and I’m his commanding officer,” Caleb says. By this time, I’m by his side. Caleb puts his arm around me. “This is his fiancée, Jasmine. We need to know how he’s doing.” Caleb is quick on his feet, thinking fast on how I can get in to see Zeke.

Doctor Finch nods, crossing his arms over his chest. “He’s going to be fine. Broken leg. We’ve set it. Four to six weeks recovery. Zeke sustained a concussion, and we’d like to keep him overnight for observation, to be on the safe side. He’s outright refusing and demands to be released. I’m not comfortable with that, but maybe you can talk some sense into him. There are deep abrasions on his chest, but those will heal, and the pain will subside fairly quickly. The worst is his leg. He’s going to be in a cast, then physiotherapy, but all in all, Zeke’s a lucky man.”

“Can I see him?” I ask.

“They’re just getting him settled into a room. I’m hoping you can talk him into staying the night,” Doctor Finch says.

“Not to worry. He’s staying, even if I have to cuff him to the bed,” Caleb states.

A few minutes later, Caleb and I are being led down the hall and through to Zeke’s room. Zeke’s trying to pull himself up and attempting to move his leg with its cast off the side of the bed.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing?” I shout. I rush to his side to stop him from getting up. “You’re staying the night.”

“No way. Where you go, I go,” Zeke huffs.

“I’m staying right here. I’m not leaving. How could you even think I would?”

Caleb steps in. “Jasmine can stay with either Damian and Chloe or Alex and Sabrina.”

Zeke and I both respond, “No,” at the same time.

“Fine. Then I’ll get them to bring a couple of cots in here. One for Jasmine and one for me. I’m staying to make sure you stay put”—he points to Zeke—“and you”—he aims his finger at me—“stay safe. The end. I’m not arguing about this anymore.” He lets out a heavy sigh. “Your brothers need to see you’re doing okay before they get some rest. I’m going to go get them.”

He turns to leave, and I call out, “Don’t forget Jasper and Cathy.” Zeke looks confused. “The man who pulled you free from the car and his wife. They showed up here to give a statement and have been waiting with us all this time.”

I help Zeke settle into bed. He lays his head on the pillows, and as I move away, his hand comes to the back of my neck and tugs me closer, so that our foreheads are touching and I can feel his warm breath. “Thank Christ you’re okay. I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you,” he murmurs.

“You saved me.” My voice is as soft as his.

“I’d do anything for you, Jazzy.”

“I love you, Zeke Chambers. And not because you saved me several times, but because you’re loyal, and sweet, and you make me feel alive. I love you for you.”

The hand on my neck tightens, and he weaves the fingers of his other hand into my hair to draw me closer. He licks the seam of my lips, and I open for him and take his kiss. So soft and sweet, yet long and wet. Full of meaning and promise. When our lips separate, he mumbles against my lips, “Love you too, baby.”

Someone clears their throat, pulling us both out of our heavenly trance to see the entire posse staring our way.

Jasper’s the first to break the silence. “Well, son, almost makes having a broken leg worthwhile, doesn’t it?” he jokes. Zeke chuckles, and so do the others.

“Thanks for what you did out there,” Zeke says.

“Thank me by getting back on your feet and taking care of your girl. I gave your friends here all the information I remember. Hopefully, they can track down the car. You just take care of yourself and Jasmine,” Jasper says. “I gave Damian my number. You need anything, just call.”

Jasper shakes Zeke’s hand and Cathy gives me a hug, and they leave. Alex and Damian gather close, with Chloe and Sabrina by their sides. Zeke insists on knowing if they’ve got anything to go on and basically gives the same version of the story that I gave, with a few more details. Obviously, the detective in Zeke is very thorough.

“Jasper got the first two digits of the license plate. We’ve called it in, and they’re running it down as we speak,” Alex confirms.

While Alex and Sabrina keep us company, Damian takes off with Chloe to get food for the lot of us. I’m not hungry, or at least I didn’t think I was until the aroma of Bob’s Burgers fills the room. As I scan the room, I see a family. Not a traditional one, but a family nonetheless, eating, laughing, and simply being here to support Zeke and me.

I hear my name called. I glance up to see Chloe smiling at me. “Where did you go? You blanked out for a minute,” she says.

“I was thinking that I may need to send a thank-you note to the stalker when he’s caught,” I say. All heads turn and look at me like I’ve lost my marbles. “Well, think about it. Without him, I never would have met Zeke and all of you.”