Page 22 of Shots Fired

There’s No Proof


Jasmine’s been quiet the whole ride home. As soon as we got in the car, she read the letter from her father in which he told his side of the story, and also expressed his love for her and his regret that he hadn’t known about her sooner. Added to what she learned from the lawyer, that was a ton of information thrown at her all at once. She’s holding Davis’s business card and hasn’t set it down yet. I’m holding on to the manila envelope with a copy of the will and now drop it on the kitchen counter.

Once I get Jasmine settled, the guys and I will take a closer look.

“I’m going to get changed,” Jasmine says, and takes off to the bedroom. “Back in a minute.”

“Well, what do you think?” Damian asks, standing at the outside counter of the kitchen as I grab us all a beer.

“She’s in shock,” Caleb answers. “It’s not every day someone lays five mil at your feet.”

“It’s more than that. Lily and Austin Belfour are her parents. They were the ones who were up with her at night when she was sick. They took care of their daughter. All of a sudden, a lawyer calls and tells you that your real father was looking for you, desperate to find you, and died before he had a chance to know you. That’s gonna burn in your gut,” I say. “Jasmine never went looking for her biological family. Ever! She told me she had a mother and father who loved her. Add to that the threat of violence and a wife and daughter who hate you sight unseen, and Jasmine’s got every right to be confused.”

“Yeah, but with this information, we have a motive. We’ve been racking our brains trying to figure out the why. I think we’ve found it,” Damian adds.

“I called Alex. He’s coming by and bringing the girls. It’ll be good if she has some company while we review the evidence,” Caleb says. “Did you get any further on the money trail?”

“Overseas account, but it’s a process. I should have something soon.” So far, I’ve followed it to an Austrian bank, which was then routed to Germany. Whoever it is has means and money. In light of today’s discovery, it looks like it’s making a lot more sense.

Jasmine comes back out in dark blue yoga pants and an oversized cream sweater. She’s taken her hair out of the ponytail, and it tumbles around her shoulders while she massages her scalp.

I move closer and run my fingers through its softness. “Headache, baby?”

“Yeah, it just started coming on,” she says. “I took something for it. It’ll kick in soon.”

“Let’s get some food in you.” I kiss her forehead. She nods, and I move her over to rest on the sofa.

“Chloe and Sabrina are bringing everything to make tacos. Alex is parking the car, and then they’ll be up,” Damian says, looking down at the message on his phone.

I’ve watched the team come together before under stressful circumstances. When Chloe caught the attention of a pretty bad dude who was the leader of a vicious gang, we all came together. Damian took a bullet for Chloe, and the team rallied around to make sure they were never left unprotected.

When Sabrina’s ex was stalking her, we picked him up and threw him in jail. Shit went from bad to worse, and still we stood together to support Alex and Sabrina. I’ve always thought of myself as a supportive team member. It’s never once crossed my mind that I or someone I care for would be in the same position. Yet here we are. And here are the men I call brothers.

It’s personal. Jasmine is in the center of this mess, and since she belongs to me, she’s one of us. Along with my team come two very resourceful women. Chloe and Sabrina have been in dire situations, and you would think they would shy away from danger. Instead, they wade in and support Jasmine.

A rap on the door lets us know they’ve arrived. Chloe insists that Jasmine stay put and rest while they pull dinner together. Once they’re done, we each grab a plate and go into the living room. Seeing Jasmine has hardly touched her food, I lean down and say, “Please, Jazzy, try to get that down. For me.”

She takes a bite and chews slowly until she finishes the entire taco. I take her plate and motion for Sabrina to move in and take my place. I wave for the guys to join me in my office to discuss where we go from here.

“I’ve already filled Alex in on Davis and the inheritance,” Damian says, and Alex nods, his hands on his hips.

“My money is on the wife. Christie, right?” Alex says.

“Candor said it was a guy who called him,” Damian reminds us.

“He also said the voice was distorted. That means it could be a woman,” Caleb adds. Anything on Cranshaw?” He looks back at Alex.

“He was at the bar, just like Candor said he would be,” Alex says. “The guy is incapable of coming up with an elaborate plan to kill anyone. He’s a good ole boy who works hard, stops at the bar for a drink or two, then goes home. The bartender says she remembers Candor and Cranshaw shooting the shit that night. They were laughing it off like a big joke. Cranshaw hasn’t changed his pattern. To be on the safe side, I’m having him tailed, but nothing so far.”

“So, he’s a dead end,” Caleb finishes. Alex is silent, but his expression shows he agrees.

“As you always say, we follow the money. There’s five million at stake. Where does the money go if something happens to Jasmine?” Alex asks.

I pull out the will from the envelope. “It’s gotta be in here.”

“Let me take a look at that.” Caleb takes it from my hand and starts to flip through the pages. He begins to read, “Should any of the heirs be deceased prior to the estate being divided, the surviving heirs will inherit their portion, divided equally.”