Page 21 of Shots Fired

I see this is going to be an unpleasant conversation if I don’t step in. “Mr. Davis, Caleb and Damian are here because I trust them and asked them to come with me.” I take hold of Zeke’s hand. “This is my boyfriend, Zeke. These gentlemen are part of my family. As I’m unsure as to why I’ve even been called into your office, and I’m sure this is all one giant mistake, I would like my family to be present. I hope this assuages your fears so we can get on with this.”

Zeke gives my hand a squeeze and sends me a smile.

“There’s no mistake, Miss Belfour. You’re the spitting image of your mother,” Mr. Davis announces. “Your father showed me a picture of her.”

Instinctively, I reply, “My mother is in Florida.”

“Your biological mother,” Mr. Davis says, softening his voice.

“Is this why I’m here? Because she asked you to find me?”

“I’m afraid, Miss Belfour, Constance died just before Gregory’s death.”

“Then why are we here?” Zeke asks, his tone turning angry. “Jasmine’s been through enough, and she’s never had any desire to search out her biological mother.”

“Perhaps I should explain from the beginning,” Mr. Davis says. “My client, Gregory Madden, was a very affluent man. He was the owner of Madden Holdings. His net worth exceeds over two point five billion dollars. He was contacted by Constance right before her passing, and she informed him that he had a daughter. Gregory was never aware of your existence. He was to meet Constance that week, but her illness took her before they had the opportunity to speak. Gregory hired the best private investigators to find you. His wife, Christie, and daughter, Paris, were very unhappy about the situation and begged him to leave well enough alone. Gregory was determined to find you. Unfortunately, he had a heart attack and passed away, but not before making sure that the information from the private investigator made its way to me, along with a change to his will.”

I can’t help it; my throat is clogged, and I finally let out the breath I’d been holding. My biological father was Gregory Madden. I turn my head in Zeke’s direction. “This is a weird dream, right? This isn’t happening,” I whisper.

Immediately, his arm comes protectively around my shoulders. Damian and Caleb are silent, but are taking it all in.

“What does all this mean?” Zeke asks impatiently.

Mr. Davis pulls out an envelope with my name scrawled on the front. “This is a letter your father wanted me to deliver to you if we found you. It was written and sealed by him and has been in my possession ever since.” He places it on the edge of his desk. “I knew your father well. He was a very good man, and an excellent businessman. Gregory was one of my dearest friends. We went through school together. He was close to my own children. If you ever want to hear more about him, I would be happy to sit down and talk with you. I think this is all too much today, but my invitation is open at any time. I’d like you to meet my family. To my sons, he’ll always be their amazing Uncle Greg.”

“What about his wife and daughter?” Caleb asks. As he does, I notice that Mr. Davis glanced over at his own family with only a mere mention of their existence.

Mr. Davis lets out a sigh of frustration. This is clearly not a conversation he wants to have. “What aren’t you telling Jasmine?” Zeke pushes.

“I’m afraid that Christie and Paris are fighting the contents of the will and want to be declared sole heirs to his estate. It’s a futile endeavor on their part and they know it, but they’re willing to drag Gregory’s name through the mud for money. They’re declaring that he was not mentally fit at the time he had the will changed, which is utterly and completely unfounded, seeing that he closed a multimillion-dollar deal that same day. In any case, the will states that a lump sum amount of five million dollars is bequeathed to you, Miss Belfour. The same amount has been left for his wife and his other daughter. The remainder goes to several charities of his choosing. The shares in his company will remain with Christie. At this time, they do not want to acknowledge that Gregory had another child and refuse to accept Gregory’s decision. I will not allow that to happen. This is what Gregory wanted and this is what he will have. It will take some time to sort through the legal aspects, but there you have it. The money allotted to you is held in trust until this matter is resolved and will be moved over as soon as this is done,” Mr. Davis explains.

“I don’t want it. I don’t need it,” I blurt out. “I didn’t even know the man. It’s pity money, and I don’t want any part of it.”

Zeke holds me tighter. “Baby, don’t make hasty decisions. Let this all sink in. In the end, if you don’t want it, you can donate it to a worthy cause. For now, just ride this out,” he says gently.

“Jasmine, your father did not pity you. He wanted to do right by a child he didn’t know he had. He wanted to take care of all his loved ones. Gregory would have moved heaven and earth if he knew you existed, but unfortunately, fate is a cruel mistress, and he will never have that.” Mr. Davis points to his chest. “I knew him. He was like a brother to me, and I can tell you his biggest regret is not having had a chance to know his daughter. If he were to take one look at you and know what you’ve accomplished, he would have been so proud. And he would have been grateful for the family that looked after you and made you the good person you are today.”

I can’t help it; tears emerge, and I can’t seem to stop them from flowing down my cheeks. I’m not sure why I’m crying. Is it for the mother I never knew who gave me up? The father who wished he could have known me? The anger at being cast aside? Or the overwhelming amount of information thrown at me, where two women whom I’ve never met are angry at me for something I had no control over?

Zeke consoles me, whispering encouraging words and rubbing my back with his warm hand. I hear Damian’s voice over my sobs. “This is a lot for Jasmine to take in. I think we should take her home for now. We can get in touch if she has further questions.

“Yes, yes, of course.” Mr. Davis comes out from around his desk and puts his card in my hand. “My name is Nicholas. Nick to my friends and Meathead to your dad. I don’t think I want to be called Meathead anymore, but feel free to call me Nick. My personal cell phone number is on there. When you’re ready, please call or come see me.”

I peer up through wet lashes and see that his eyes are watery too. He misses his best friend, and this has not been easy on him. “Thank you, Nick,” I choke out and take his hand. “I need to collect my thoughts. I want to speak with my parents. They need to be aware of what’s going on. After I have a chance to process this all, I’m sure I’ll be in touch.”

I even manage a wry smile, not a very convincing one at that, but it seems to make Nick more relaxed. Though this started off very dramatically, I can see that his love for Gregory Madden runs deep.

We all leave Nick’s office, making our way down in the elevator. All three men surround me, speaking a silent language that only they are privy to.

“We need to have a meeting,” Caleb finally says.

“It all makes sense now. We have two new suspects,” Damian replies.

“Pardon?” I search out Zeke’s gaze.

“I’ll explain it later, baby. You’ve had enough for now.” He gives my temple a light kiss.