Page 16 of Shots Fired

She leans into my side, resting a weary head on my shoulder. I kiss her temple. “Let’s get you home and fed.”

Zeke and I say our goodbyes and we discuss the plan for the day. I have Chloe and Sabrina come over later while I head back out to the station. At first, Jasmine insisted she didn’t need a babysitter, but I pulled out the big guns and, noticing how well it worked when I spoke about Harriet Dickson, I told her it would givemepeace of mind. Not a word after that was said about the ladies dropping by.

Jasmine’s quiet through dinner. She’s lost in her own thoughts. I’m sure she’s rehashing the earlier discussions with the guys. I want to get in her head. I need to know where she’s at.

I call her name, and she jerks her head up from her plate. “A penny for your thoughts. Hell, I’ll go as high as a dollar,” I kid, hoping to elicit a grin.

“Someone thinks I’m some unknown heir. I’ve been racking my brain, and there’s no one I know who has that kind of money. Certainly not enough to kill for. I keep wondering if I met anyone with that kind of fortune, and I’m sure I haven’t. Even in college, we were all living on ramen noodles and mac ’n’ cheese. I just don’t get it.” Jasmine drops her fork and sags back into her chair, looking utterly defeated. “I want to help, but I don’t have anything to give you.”

“Stop.” I reach over and take her hand. “None of this is your fault. And on the surface, you’re right. None of it makes sense. You’ve led a quiet existence and made great friends. You’re well respected at the school and people adore you.” I pause and wait for her to glance up. “This could all be a big mistake, or there’s more that you don’t know. Whatever happens, I’ve got your back, and we’ll sort through it.” Jasmine doesn’t seem to be any less tense. “What else is bothering you?” I push.

“What happens when this is all over? I’m falling for you, and I’m wondering if this is all because of the situation or if this is real. I’m feeling things I haven’t felt before. I’m able to be me around you. It’s easy and fun. You have a great sense of humor. You make me laugh. Then today, you got all protective. I haven’t had that in a very long time. And let’s not forget how freaking hot and sexy you are. Most of the other female teachers and even some of the men were foaming at the mouth when they saw you strutting down the hall with me,” she says, her hands animated.

She’s so gorgeous that I can’t help myself. I grab her gently and sit her on my lap, pushing away the plate in front of me.

“Hear me,” I say, slowly and clearly. “We are not over when this nightmare ends for you. It will be the continuation of what we have, only better. I won’t say the start, because our start is a story we’re going to be able to tell our kids one day. It’s a freaky, scary, but true beginning that’s going to end with two people falling in love. I’m feeling what you’re feeling. Do I think we’ll change?” I shake my head as I say, “No. Can it happen? Sure. But we’ll figure it out together. I’ve been holding off taking us to the next level because I want to keep a clear head and stay objective. I’ve failed, and Caleb pointed that out to me today. And I’m going to be perfectly honest and tell you, since I’ve already blurred the lines, I want you in my bed.”

Jasmine’s eyes are huge, and her jaw drops open. I tuck my finger under her chin and close it for her. She chokes out, “You do?”

“Oh yeah! How do you feel about that?”

Her cheeks are tinged with pink, but she whispers, “I’d like that very much.”

I chuckle as I bury my face in her neck, kissing her behind her ear and sensing her shiver in excitement. “Good, babe. So, while you’re having an evening in with your new girlfriends, know that when I come home, you’re going to have a night with your man.”


A Night to Remember


Iwant to ravage her right there and then, but as luck would have it, the doorbell rings and the formidable Chloe and Sabrina arrive. I love these two ladies and love them for Damian and Alex. Damian was looking for “the one.” He saw what his mother and father had and wanted exactly that. Alex wasn’t looking at all, but stumbled onto a beauty who changed his life.

It’s said that being the wife of a cop is difficult. You never know if they’re coming home at night, or what kind of trouble they’ll encounter during the day. Divorces are common, and a lot of police officers become hardened, partly because of the shit they see every day, which makes them shut down. We’re not cold and unfeeling, though, and I’m well aware that many of the men I work with don’t want to burden their spouses with ugliness. There’s a balance. Some find it, and some don’t. Or maybe it’s finding the right person to stand by you and who understands the job.

Chloe and Sabrina understand and accept their men for who they are. Damian and Alex were born to serve and protect. Caleb is the most intense of us all. It’s going to take a special woman to deal with his broody ass. He’s a fantastic leader and detective. He’s the youngest to have accomplished all he has so far in his career, but at what cost?

Both Damian’s mother and Caleb’s mother are constantly trying to set Caleb up with a “nice” girl. It drives Caleb batty. He’s even threatened not to come to dinners or to walk out if they persist. That’s slowed the moms down, for now.

Chloe and Sabrina make themselves comfortable on my couch, setting down an array of junk food from popcorn to turkey jerky. Just looking at all of it makes my stomach ache. I have no idea if Jasmine can eat all that stuff, but I know for a fact that Chloe can and Sabrina’s no slouch either. I move Jasmine to the door with me and hold her close. I love the feel of her hands gripping my upper arms, and the way her green eyes peer up at me. It’s like being lost in a sea of calm where I never want to be found.

“Be good while I’m gone,” I tease, giving her a sly smile.

“I’ll try, but you know I’m such a rebel. I may not be able to contain myself,” she says, batting her eyelashes.

I drop my lips to her ear. “I’ll be back, and when I am, I’m going to get you naked in my bed.” She runs that pretty pink tongue over her lips. I swoop down and kiss her hard and deep, taking my time and letting my lips linger, wanting to memorize her scent and taste. “Lock this behind me. There’s an officer right outside the door if you need him.”

* * *

The sooner I get to the station, the sooner I get this done and then I can get home to my girl. A squeal of delight could be heard through the door as I left. I heard Sabrina say, “Tell me you two are together.”

Caleb sent a text earlier to let me know they located Brian Candor and are bringing him in for questioning. At the same time, Caleb requested a search warrant, and while we have him in custody, a team is going through his home with a fine-tooth comb. I walk right through to the holding rooms. Damian is already there, and through the glass, I see Alex sitting across from Brian. Brian’s slumped back in his chair, legs spread and arms crossed over his chest, acting cocky as shit. His long blond hair is pulled back and tied at the nape. Brian is glaring at Alex, his eyes void of emotion.

“He hasn’t spoken a word. Alex is waiting him out,” Damian tells me.

Alex is a formidable opponent. He’s every bit a tactical expert. Alex can terrify you if you find him in a dark alley. He’s got the dark hair and eyes and that Latin look that women love and men fear. He has worked undercover, infiltrating a gang. Alex was able to wrangle his way in, and scary as it was, he fit right in.

Damian runs a hand through his sandy-brown hair and watches intently through the glass, taking in every movement Brian makes, noting every tic. Damian’s a watcher. He takes it all in to find a weakness. As he’s sizing Brian up, he points to Brian’s foot, which has begun tapping nervously. “I give him five more minutes at most before he starts making demands,” Damian mutters.