“Literallyandfiguratively. Okay, here we are,” he said, stopping in front of our private sitting room door.
He pulled away and reached out for the doorknob, turning to look at me with a smile.
“What’s going on, James?” I asked, but he shrugged and opened the door.
I stepped inside and then jumped when I heard people scream, “Surprise!”
James flipped on the light, and I saw April, Caleb, their baby, and Stevie jumping up and down. Peter and Jen were there too with big smiles.
“Oh my God!” I cried, rushing forward, unable to decide who to hug first. “But how did you…? When did you…?” I couldn’t finish any sentences, and tears were pooling in my eyes.
“It was all James’s idea,” Stevie said. “He thought you’d want us to all be together. It’s been a busy year for you with the tour and the whole queen thing.” She rolled her eyes and motioned around the room.
Grinning, I hugged her again. “I am so glad to see you all.”
“So, should we be saying ‘Your Majesty’ and stuff now?” April asked, clutching Marguerite to her side.
“In theory, yes,” James said with a twinkle in his eye, coming to put his hand on my back. “But I would suggest not doing it. Besides, Lily’s not quite used to it yet.”
“I’ll never get used to it. Peter, Jen, I can’t believe you came too!”
“Couldn’t let James just get too big of a head now that he’s king. I’ve got to remind him of all his flaws.”
“Don’t worry. I can do that well enough,” I teased, bumping against James.
I reached out to Marguerite. “Come here, sweetie,” I said, kissing her on the cheek. “How was the flight?”
“Amazing!” Stevie said. “When you go private, it’s like a dream. Peter and Jen came on with us too.”
“Wow! Caleb, I know I’ve got you to thank for that,” I told him.
He shrugged. “It was worth it to come stay in a castle, Your Majesty.”
James herded the guests to where refreshments had been laid out, but Stevie hung around.
“I missed you, you know? Too much.”
“Me too, Stevie.” I bobbed Marguerite up and down. “I’m sorry I’ve been away so much.”
“Hey, you’ve got a whole new life here! Enjoy it. I know you’re happy.”
“I am. So unbelievably happy.” I sighed. “And you?”
She scrunched up her face. “Same old story. No good men in the world. But my time will come, I’m sure of it. I just have to wait for the right guy to pop up.”
James chuckled as he walked up to us. “I have no question it will happen sooner rather than later, Stevie.”
She smiled thankfully and moved away to get a drink. James looked down at the baby.
“Want one of these, Lil?” he asked, amused.
“I thought wehadto carry on the line, James,” I said drily.
“Up to you, my love.”
I thought for a moment. “Yes, I think I would. But not now. I’m having too much fun just now.”
“Good.” He leaned in for a kiss, and then he whispered against my mouth. “Oh, don’t forget my punishment later.”
“I would never.” Laughing, we walked back to the guests.