It wasn’t like this was the first time I’d ever seen a shirtless man, but I just wasn’t expecting him to be so....big.

I only got a quick look before I dropped the file like an idiot, but it was enough to get an eyeful. His shoulders were broad, just a dusting of hair across his chest. His abdominal muscles were very defined for a man his age. I didn’t know what I had expected Roarke to look like shirtless (not that I’d ever thought about it at all)but this certainly wasn’t it.

As I stood up, I nearly bumped my head on his chest, he was standing so close.

When I looked back at him, he’d put on a shirt, but he hadn’t buttoned it yet, so I still tried to look him directly in his green eyes. That didn’t seem to help, because they were sparkling with mirth.

“What’s the matter, Riley? You look a little...”

He trailed off and I was glad that he did because I couldnotstop blushing. What was wrong with me? I had seen men a lot more naked than this and not had this reaction. Why was I suddenly finding Roarke Brentwood attractive? I’d disliked him so much that I guessed I hadn’t noticed that he was an objectively attractive man, even though he was quite a bit older than me.

“I’m fine,” I managed, handing him the file which still had papers sliding out of it. It crumpled a bit in my hands and I felt so flustered I didn’t even care. “There’s something in this prenup you need to see.”

“What is it?” he asked, throwing the file down on his desk. I frowned. It was a mess over there, so I didn’t even know how he’d find the file later.

“You could just read it and find out,” I said, struggling not to look down at his chest.

“Or, you could just tell me now and we’ll save a lot of time,” Roarke insisted, smirking a little.

“You’re changing,” I said dumbly. “I’ll just come back later.”

I turned and Roarke grabbed my hand, tugging me back toward him. I stumbled just slightly in my heels and he steadied me with one hand on my lower back. My hands went up to his chest and I put my palms there.

I squeaked in the back of my throat and dropped my hands and Roarke chuckled.

“I didn’t expect you to be such a wilting violet, Riley. You’re tough, so why are you all flustered over a shirtless man? Surely, you’ve seen one before.”

His teasing made anger rise in me, and it was welcome. It felt more familiar than the butterflies in my stomach.

“Plenty,” I barked, and Roarke hummed.

“You sure don’t act like it. I guess I should be flattered. It’s not every day a young woman admires me so obviously.”

“I wasnotadmiring you,” I insisted. “I was just...”

“Just?” He hadn’t taken his hand off my lower back and we were standing way too close, but for some reason, I didn’t back away. I kept looking right into his eyes, my chin tilted up.

“I was just startled, that’s all,” I said softly, losing my train of thought, unable to think of a witty comeback. My head felt fuzzy somehow like I’d had a couple of glasses of wine at lunch instead of only coffee. Maybe it was because I’d drunk the coffee on an empty stomach. That had to be it.

Roarke kept his hand on my lower back and reached around me to push the door closed. I swallowed hard.

“Thought we might need some privacy to go over the prenup,” he murmured, too close to my ear. I’d always thought he was dark-haired because of the smattering of gray around his temples, but this close, I could tell that he was more of a dirty blonde. He had stubble that was blonde, too, and I found myself wondering what it would feel like against my neck if he kissed me there.

What? What kind of thought was that? I couldn’t think much of anything, with how close he was, and I didn’t understand why my body was reacting the way it was.

“Is that so?” I asked, finally finding my voice. “I think you just wanted to get me alone,” I said, trying to throw him off, but he just gave me a half-smile.

“Believe what you want, sweetheart,” he crooned. “You’re the one who turned bright red whenever you came in here and found me changing.”

“I’m half Irish,” I said. “I’m just ruddy.” That first part was true and the latter was too, to some degree. When I got too hot or started drinking alcohol, red blotches appeared on my cheeks. Not just when I was embarrassed.

“Uh-huh,” he murmured, and I was so mad that he seemed to be getting the upper hand. I wracked my brain, trying to think of a comeback, but instead of saying anything at all, my brain just started misfiring. That’s the only explanation I have as to why I suddenly leaned up in my heels and pressed my mouth against his.

There was an alarm going off in the back of my head, trying to tell me that I had justvoluntarilykissed Roarke Brentwood, my nemesis, in the office, but that quieted as soon as he kissed me back, sliding his tongue against mine. His hand got tighter on my lower back, pressing me against him. The silk shirt he’s changed into felt nice under my palms when I clutched my fingers into it.

That alarm, the one that said “stop”,the one that said “you hate him, Magda,”was completely silent, and when he pulled away to take in a deep breath, I kissed him again.