He was going to be a father. Who the hell would have thought it? Certainly not the Ethan who’d hightailed it out of town on his motorcycle a little over ten years ago. And definitely not the Ethan from last year when he’d returned.
Damn, he was grateful.
Faith strode up to him and slipped her hand inside his. “Have I said thank you?”
He looked into her beautiful blue eyes. “For this?” He swept his hand around, indicating the party.
Her lips quirked into a smile. “Well, okay, yes, this. But for everything else, too. You make my life complete.”
He grinned. “I feel exactly the same way about you, princess.” Before he could kiss her the way he wanted to, a teenage voice interrupted them.
“Don’t even think about it,” Tess muttered. “You’re in public.”
Ethan glanced at his sister, taking in her purple dress. He wondered if she’d change her favorite color anytime soon. This particular purple was jewel-toned, she’d informed him haughtily. Apparently, Tess had begun reading fashion magazines. Who’d have thought the punk kid dumped on his doorstep had it in her?
“You look gorgeous,” he told her.
She beamed at him. “Thanks.” She glanced at Faith and crooked her finger.
Faith bent closer, and Tess whispered something in her ear.
“Not yet.” Faith’s eyes sparkled as they talked in conspiratorial whispers.
“I’m going to keep a lookout,” Tess declared.
“He won’t know what hit him.” Faith nodded in certainty.
“You can say that again.” Tess ducked away but not before adding a parting shot. “You two behave. PDA is not appropriate.”
Faith tipped her head back and her delicious laugh rippled through him. But he hadn’t forgotten Tess’s earlier side of their conversation.
“He who? What was she talking about?” Ethan asked his wife.
Faith squeezed his hand in warning. “Tess thinks she’s in love with Todd Morgan.”
“He’s eighteen!” Ethan bellowed.
“Not quite yet. Seventeen and he’s just going to be a senior this year.”
Ethan scowled, not liking seventeen any better than eighteen. “She’s a kid.”
“I was sixteen when you lured me onto your bike,” she reminded him.
Ethan winced. “That’swhat I’m afraid of.”
“Evening, everyone.” Nash interrupted, walking up to them, Kelly by his side.
“Ahh, the man who hates formal affairs made it. And I’m so grateful.” Faith hugged them both, then pulled Kelly away to discuss details of the evening.
Ethan talked with Nash, the brother who once couldn’t stand the sight of him. For fifteen minutes, they discussed things personal, professional, and later, sports-related. It was so normal. Ethan couldn’t believe the new normal they shared.
“Hey, brothers.” Dare strode up to them.
“How’s it going?” Ethan asked.
“Pretty damned good, actually.” Dare shook his brothers’ hands.
“For a cop, you dress up nicely,” Nash said.