Page 101 of Karma

Cara snorted. “I’d say your attitude about her brother is what put you in the doghouse in the first place. But that’s not what’s important now. We need a plan.”

“I’ll come over, and we’ll nail something down.” He swung his legs over the side of the bed.

“Not so fast, Romeo. She doesn’t want you anywhere near her.”

Dare shut his eyes against the pain that knowledge caused. “Thanks for breaking it to me gently.”

“Want some advice?” his friend asked.

“Would it matter if I said no?”

“Get your shit together before you lose her because you’re close. Now. About that plan?” Cara asked.

Dare glanced around his small apartment, small being an understatement. He hadn’t realized how spoiled he’d gotten staying at Liza’s. Not just the large rooms, which were nice, but the company.

Why had he thought he needed space away from her?

Because you hate her brother, he thought. But after his explosion last night, Dare had to wonder if the answer was all that simple.

“Dare? Plan?” Cara asked impatiently.

He shook his head, forcing himself to think. “Right. I need to locate Brian,” he said, not relishing the task.

“What good will that do? If he had the money, he wouldn’t be in hiding.”

Dare needed to find the man for more reasons than just the cash he owed. A confrontation between Dare and his nemesis was long overdue. Dare didn’t know if there was such a thing as closure, but he wasn’t finding peace by ignoring his past. Not that he’d share that with Cara.

“Take Liza to the bank to get the money on Monday,” Dare said, resigned. “Did they give her instructions?” Because like it or not, Dare wasn’t letting her meet with loan sharks without him by her side.

Personal problems be damned.

“He told her they’d be in touch. He also said they’re always close by.”

Dare slammed his hand uselessly against the mattress. “Don’t let her out of your sight.”

“Are you telling me how to do my job?”

He caught the teasing tone in her voice. Cara wasn’t happy with how he’d treated Liza, but she wasn’t abandoning him either.

“Yep. You got a problem with that?”

Cara laughed. “Nah. I’ll let you know if she hears from them. You spend the weekend doing some soul-searching, you hear me?”

Dare groaned. “I’m on it.”

“Good. And kiss that sister of yours and tell her I’ll be watching out for her.”

Dare smiled. “Will do. Thanks, Cara. You’re a good friend.”

“I know. Don’t let me down, Dare Barron. Better yet, don’t let Liza down.” She’d lowered her voice again. “I’ll be in touch,” she said and disconnected the call.

Dare didn’t know what he’d done to deserve friends and family like he had. He sure as hell hadn’t earned them.

But he intended to. He just couldn’t do it alone.

Tess came home from the hospital early the next morning. For Dare, visiting his sister was easy. Figuring out the rest of his life was hard.

Faith let him into the house and directed him upstairs to Tess’s room. Dare figured she’d had her share of talking and lectures, so he saved his for another time. Like Faith had told him, she was embarrassed and upset but physically fine except for the hangover symptoms Alexa had warned about.