“He’s fine. He just knows how pissed everyone’s gonna be when they find out,” Tess said, the glee in her voice unmistakable.
Uh-oh. “What is she talking about?” Dare asked. The youth center was his place.
He volunteered, knew the kids by name, and they knew him.
All the cops and firefighters broke their butts to raise money for the center, but it was never enough to really support the programs they needed.
“Faith’s having the gala here!” Tess jumped up from her seat in excitement. “And she said I could come. We all have to be there and she’s gonna buy me a new dress and everything.”
“Now she likes dresses,” Nash muttered to Kelly.
Dare shook his head. “Why is the gala here? And what does that have to do with the youth center?” He felt like he was lost in a tornado, not knowing which end was up.
Which was normal in this family, but still.
“Caroline Bretton asked me to chair the fund-raising committee. You know she gave me my first real decorating job—”
Ethan cleared his throat.
“Sorry.” Leaning over, she kissed his cheek. “She gave me my second real decorating job.” This mansion had been her first, when Ethan had hired her. “I felt like I owed her.”
“Even though she was only offering you the position because it’s so much work nobody else wanted it and because she had an agenda. She wanted to hold it here and she knew I’d never go for it,” Ethan reminded his wife.
She nodded. “All true. She also knew you’d never say no to me.”
He leaned over and kissed her on the lips.
“Eew. No PDA! I told you two to go to your room when you want to…you know!” Tess said.
Again nobody paid her much attention. Everyone was used to her by now.
“So since the event is here, I expect you all to attend. And thanks to my brilliant new assistant, we are going to push for this year’s proceeds to be donated to the youth center.” Faith picked up the thread of conversation without missing a beat. “Considering I’m lending the use of our home, I think they’ll come to see things my way.”
Or else was the implied threat, though Faith didn’t say as much specifically.
“Is she good or is she good?” Ethan asked, admiration filling his tone.
“She’s something, all right,” Nash muttered. “I hate black-tie affairs.”
Dare agreed.
Kelly wrapped her arm around her husband. “Suck it up, Nash. It’s for a good cause.”
He groaned and she leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Something that made Dare’s normally uptight brother flush.
Even Dare squirmed. “Now you two get a room.”
Faith tapped her glass with her fork. “The date is the Saturday night of Labor Day weekend, so mark your calendars. Is everyone excited?”
“As much as I’d be for a root canal,” Dare replied.
“How will you get everything organized in a little over a month?” Kelly asked.
“The committee knows the date a year in advance, so the caterer, the music, and decor person are all booked. All I have to do is choose specifics such as the menu, the events of the evening, and coordinate accordingly.” She cleared her throat. “Of course, another pair of hands would help.”
“Okay, okay, you made your point. Yell if you need me,” Kelly finally said, obviously resigned.
Faith grinned. “I knew you’d give in eventually. I’ll give my assistant your number. Her name is Liza McKnight.”