Page 91 of Karma

“Say it,” the man said. “You understand?”

She swallowed. “Yes. I understand.”


“Where does he…where do I bring the money?” she asked, knowing she’d have to take it from her savings. Nausea swamped her.

“You’ll hear from someone. We’re never far away. It’d be smart for you to remember that.” Without warning, he released his grip and she realized he’d not only been squeezing tight, but he’d been pressing on her pulse until she grew light-headed.

Suddenly she realized he’d swung open the door and disappeared. She hadn’t seen or heard him go. Her heart slammed against her chest so loud she was surprised Jeff couldn’t hear next door. Jeff.

She wasn’t alone…but she hadn’t been safe, either. At the thought, Liza reached for her desk before she could collapse and dragged in deep, calming breaths.

“Liza?” Another male voice called her name and she jumped when a large shadow appeared in her doorway.

“Liza? It’s me, Nash.” Dare’s brother stepped into the office, filling the space where the other man had been.

He took one look at her and knelt beside her. “What happened?”

“What are you doing here?”

“Dare called. He didn’t like your company and sent me over to check on you.” He narrowed his gaze. “Where is your co-worker, anyway?”

“In his office, working.”

Nash set his jaw. “So I’ll ask again. What happened?”

“Did you see anyone leave?” Liza asked, not answering his question.

“No. Was it the same guy from the house?” Nash asked.

She shook her head. “I didn’t recognize him. But you had to be coming in at the same time he left. How did you miss him?” she asked.

“Is there another exit?”

“A back one.” Liza met his gaze. “We only thought to make sure I wasn’t alone. I didn’t think anyone would bother me with people around. I guess Dare didn’t either.”

Nash exhaled hard. “He’s going to be pissed.” Nash looked down and saw her massaging her wrist. “Son of a—” He grabbed for his phone.

“What are you doing?” she asked, stopping him.

“Calling Dare. What else?”

Liza shut her eyes. “Don’t. I’ll tell him, I promise. Just…let it be for now.” The man had relayed his message. She wasn’t in any danger. Not until Monday night, anyway. “He’s working and he’s missed enough time.”

Nash scowled at her.

“Oh, come on. I will tell him tonight. I swear.”

“Fine.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her stand.

“I’m better now. I was just shaken up.”

Nash led her to the car, his hand on her back, muttering about stubborn women and how his brother was going to kill him. Like Dare, he was a gentleman, helping her into the car, making sure she had her seat belt on, checking to see her wrist wasn’t worse than she let on.

Her skin had begun to turn purple and she covered the bruising with her good hand.

Nash buckled himself in when his cell rang. He answered on the first ring. “I’ve got her,” he said before the caller could speak first.