Caroline Bretton, an attractive woman with bobbed dark hair, met them at the door. “Faith, it’s so good to see you!” She spoke with warmth and gave Faith a kiss on the cheek. “We’re meeting in the family room. You know, the room you decorated so beautifully.”
“Thank you,” Faith said. “Caroline, I believe you know my sister-in-law, Kelly Barron, and you know Liza McKnight. She’s been invaluable in offering suggestions for the event.” Faith winked at Liza.
“I’m so pleased things are going well!” the older woman said, sounding genuine. Liza smiled at her, grateful for her warmth. “Everyone else is here, so come on inside.”
Liza felt somewhat better knowing she was flanked by Faith and Kelly as she stepped into the room filled with judgmental eyes.
At least that was how she felt, as the women and their perfectly coiffed hair peered at them as they made their way in.
Caroline performed the introductions among the group. About a half dozen women were sitting down, some on a floral sofa, others on a loveseat, and still another in a Queen Anne armchair. Faith had done a beautiful job in this room; Liza noticed it complemented the marble entryway. Obviously, Caroline liked her colors—bold yellows and royal blues—yet Faith had pulled things together somehow.
Someone cleared her throat, and Liza forced her attention from the décor to the women. From the corner of her eye, she realized Faith’s mother, Lanie Harrington, was also present, and Faith had stepped over to give her mother a hug.
“I didn’t realize her mother was a member of the Beautification Committee,” Liza said quietly to Kelly.
The other woman nodded. “Since she’s been venturing out more and more in the past year, Faith and Caroline finally convinced her to join the committee.” Kelly lowered her voice before continuing, “Lanie Harrington is still a raving bitch, but since Faith is trying to keep things civil, we all do the same. Still, if she gives you a hard time, you don’t have to take it.”
Liza grinned, remembering Lanie and her haughty attitude all too well. In fact, Lanie and Liza’s own mother had much in common. They’d been in the same social circles when Liza was a child until they’d moved down south.
“So why don’t we start with an update from the chairwoman on the fundraiser,” Caroline suggested loudly, essentially calling the meeting to order.
Faith stepped toward the center of the room. Though she wore a simple skirt and short-sleeved blouse, she commanded attention just by virtue of her presence. Not all the women in the room seemed pleased to see her there—a few were murmuring behind their hands. Liza wondered whether it was Faith’s father’s Ponzi scheme and the fact that he was in jail that bothered them or her marriage to the town bad boy who did her in. Whatever it was, Faith was undeterred.
“We haven’t kicked into high gear yet since the fundraiser is still a month away, but the invitations have been ordered and the vendors are chosen. The next step is for us to meet with each, settle the music choices, and decide on the food.”
“I think Marjorie did a wonderful job last year,” a woman said from her seat on the sofa. She held a fine china teacup in one hand, and her lips were so tightly pursed that Liza wondered how she was able to drink.
“Well, of course you think that, Lucille. Marjorie’s your daughter!” This from Lanie Harrington. “I’m sure Faith can bring new blood and ideas to this year’s gala.”
Liza raised an eyebrow, surprised Faith’s mother would speak out. Given all Liza had heard about how Mrs. Harrington had taken to her house and hidden after her husband’s arrest, she’d have thought Faith’s mother wouldn’t want to call attention to herself.
“Listen to you, giving advice at your first meeting,” Marjorie said to Lanie.
“Are you sure you’re not going to be biased because Faith is your daughter?” Lucille asked.
“Ladies, this kind of bickering gets us nowhere. Faith, do go on,” Caroline said.
Faith waved a calm hand. “My committee and I expect to offer a whole new way of doing things, especially since the affair itself will be at my home instead of in a banquet hall this year.” She smiled as she confirmed the news.
Whispers and murmurs immediately sprung up among the women. “I didn’t know about that!” one woman exclaimed.
Caroline waved her hand, dismissing the concern. “I asked Faith if she and her husband would host the gala since their homeisthe best-known town landmark. Ethan and Faith graciously agreed.”
“I wouldn’t say Ethan was gracious,” Kelly whispered with a snicker in her tone.
It was all Liza could do not to laugh out loud, and Faith, having heard too, merely grinned.
“Lanie, how do you feel about that? Seeing as how it used to be your home for many years?” a sour-looking woman asked, with a hint of glee in her tone.
Faith stiffened.
All eyes turned to her mother, whose cheeks turned red.
Knowing what it was like to take the brunt of pain and anger for someone else’s actions, Liza actually felt sorry for her.
Lanie drew her shoulders back and faced the room. “If the house had to change hands, I’m glad it’s with my daughter now,” she said, holding her head high.
Beside her, Liza would swear she felt Faith’s relief and pride echo through her.