Page 44 of Karma

Without warning, she had her answer, the building waves reaching a crescendo and crashing over her, taking her out of her body and mind. The incredible sensation went on and on, and Dare didn’t let it end quickly either. He stayed right where he was, nuzzling at her until the peak receded and she came back to earth, her body still shaking, her mind a puddle of mush.

“Good?” he asked.

A lazy grin edged her lips. “Amazing,” she admitted, surprised she could speak. “Yet I feel strangely empty.” As if to make her point, her hips rotated in needy circles, her body begging to be filled.

Before she could react in embarrassment for being so brutally honest, he pushed himself up and met her gaze, his brown eyes nearly black and full of need. “Then we definitely need to rectify that.”

He didn’t ask her if she was prepared. Instead, he pulled a single condom from the pocket of his jeans. Though she might wonder later why he kept one on hand, as if the need often arose, right now she was simply grateful to avoid any lengthy discussions of their sexual past. Besides, she never had sex without protection.

She’d had enough taking. She needed to give as he’d given to her. She wanted to participate, to touch him. She held out her hand, silently asking him to place the wrapper in her palm.

Dare raised an eyebrow and complied.

She wasn’t usually bold, but he made it easy, and the next thing Liza knew, she was opening the packet while Dare quickly stripped off his clothes and rejoined her, sliding beside her on the mattress.

His body heat wrapped around her as he brought his mouth down on hers. She moaned and opened for him, amazed at how right it felt to be with him this way. She still held the condom in one hand but used the other to work her way down his body, feeling the differences between his skin and the taut muscles beneath.

When her fingers reached his rigid flesh, she encircled his impressive erection. He groaned low and deep, releasing another surge of moisture between her thighs.

“We’d better get on with it, or it’s going to be over too damned fast,” he muttered.

Liza bit the inside of her cheek. “What happened to slow and steady?” She laughed, pleased she could work him into the same frenzy he caused in her.

He grasped her other wrist in his hand. “Put it on now.”

“Yes, sir.” She sat up and got the first real look at him naked. It was all she could do not to whistle in appreciation. He was tanned, hard, and strong.A damned good-looking man,she thought.

And while he was here, in her bed, he was all hers. On that notion, she sheathed him with the condom, rolling the latex slowly over his rigid shaft. His entire body shook, and he seemed to grow harder and thicker beneath her touch.

She wanted him just as much, and the thought made her smile.

“What’s the grin for?” Dare asked, his entire body on edge as she finished her task.

She blinked once before she finally answered. “I do this to you,” she said, sounding completely in awe.


“Yeah, you do,”Dare replied, and it floored him too, the depth of his yearning. He wanted nothing more than to flip her onto her back and take her as hard and demanding as his body desired.

Unfortunately, he still had to worry about her concussion. “Your choice, baby. Top or bottom?” he asked. “Whichever will hurt your head less.”

She jerked in surprise, but then her eyes softened in appreciation. Every time he did something for her, she seemed taken off guard. She’d had too little caring in her life and he hoped she’d come to realize that she deserved more because he certainly planned to give it to her.

Finally, she lay back against the pillows and beckoned him with a crook of her finger.

So she wanted him on top. “This puts me in control, and I don’t want to hurt you.” He had to be sure.

“Actually, this puts my head against soft pillows, and you couldn’t hurt me if you tried,” she said, parting her legs and opening herself to him.

He took one look at her, hair spread wildly over the pillow, her soft body offered to him, and he smiled, easing himself up and over her. He breathed in the luscious scent he’d come to think of as unique to her.

He paused to kiss her, to let her knowshemattered. Then he nudged his cock at her entrance, finding her slick and wet, eager and ready for him. He shook with the strength it took to hold back, needing to fill her as much as he was afraid to hurt her.

“You won’t hurt me,” she promised.

Had he spoken out loud? He had no time to find out. She reached between them and cupped his shaft in her hand, causing him to lose all semblance of restraint and control. He thrust inside, filling her, taking her, like she wanted.

Like he needed.