Page 42 of Karma

He smiled and brushed her hair off her shoulder, pleased to see her tremble. “Good.”

“But Dare?”

“Hmm?” He leaned in and inhaled her fragrant scent. His body hardened immediately.

“I don’t do relationships.”

He stiffened but didn’t back away. He wasn’t about to let her innate fears rule what he knew could be damned good. “Let’s clarify that.” He placed a kiss on her jawline. “You want to see me too?” He followed that question with a lick of his tongue.

“Mm-hmm.” Her words came out like a moan.

“Well, I don’t share. So if you’re seeing me, you won’t be seeing anyone else. Agreed?” He braced one hand on the door behind her and nuzzled her neck. Damn, she tasted sweet.

She exhaled a trembling breath. “As long as you follow the same rule when you’re with me.”

He swallowed a pleased laugh. “That’s fair. So is there anyone you need to end things with before we…”

She ran a finger down the razor stubble on his cheek. “No, anyone I’ve seen is in the city, and to be honest, it’s just an occasional thing that has no strings, no expectations.”

“What about that work guy?” He hated asking, but he had to know.

“Just a work guy. I don’t date co-workers, and I’m not interested in him anyway.” She paused. “What about you? Any women who might come after me with a butcher knife? Boil a bunny in my kitchen?”

He tipped his head back and laughed. “Hell, no. I don’t play those games. I already told you I’m a relationship guy. When I’m with a woman, I’m with her.”

Needing to taste her, he followed a trail of kisses up her neck until he was at her ear and bit down on her lobe. Her knees shook, and her response to him eased any lingering jealousy.

“You’re kind of a rare breed, huh?” she asked him.

He hoped she’d find that a good thing. “I’m just me.” He kissed her sweet lips, licking lightly with his tongue. “And we’re just us. And just so you know?” He deliberately paused a beat. “That’s what I call a relationship,” he murmured before sealing his mouth over hers.

The kiss started hot, letting him know she was equally invested—in sleeping with him at least. But he wasn’t interested in a quick fuck, and he certainly didn’t plan on doing anything with her while she was injured. He’d already gotten what he wanted tonight, an acknowledgment that she knew he was in this, and she wasn’t pushing him away. So he slowed things down, trying to calm his body, and instead planned to do something he hadn’t concentrated on in a while.

Enjoying a kiss.

He stepped back and grabbed her hand, leading her into the family room and over to the couch, where he pulled her onto his lap and picked up where he left off. Threading his fingers through her hair, he returned to her luscious mouth, kissing her slowly and thoroughly. She curled into him, and they made out like they were teenagers. There was no other word for the greedy kisses they exchanged. He slid his tongue inside her mouth, and he groaned at how good she tasted, how aroused she made him with just one kiss. Her fingers gripped his shoulders, and little sighs of delight escaped from the back of her throat and made him rethink his plan to just kiss her senseless and leave her to get some sleep. Obviously, her head wasn’t hurting all that badly after all.

He threaded his fingers through her hair and nibbled at her lips. “Mmm. I taste chocolate chips.”

She laughed. “That’s Tess’s fault.”

“Yeah, I saw her slip you a cookie. She likes you.” He looked into her flushed face and glazed eyes. “So do I.”

“I suppose you want me to say it?” she asked, blushing.

“I can handle it if you don’t.” But he wouldn’t be happy.

She smiled and nearly blew him away. “I like you too. But don’t let it go to your head. And don’t think I’ve changed my mind just because you’ve seduced me into accepting your version of a relationship.”

He forced an easy grin. “Wouldn’t think of it. As long as we’re on the same page.”

She nodded. “For as long as we’re together.”

“Works for me.” He wasn’t going anywhere for a long while, he thought, and brushed another kiss over her lips. “Now let’s get you tucked into bed. You’re still recuperating.” It wasn’t what he wanted, but he had to make the suggestion.

Her frown gave him hope, and his cock jumped inside his pants at the possibility.

“Do you think you’re leaving me worked up like this?” she asked, deliberately squirming in his lap.