Page 34 of Karma

No answer.

Well, he wouldn’t be learning any more about her tonight, but he’d already discovered so much about who she was and what made her tick.

What a number her parents had done on her, Dare thought, and blew out a frustrated breath.

No wonder she kept bailing Brian out and making excuses for his behavior. It was all she’d been taught, all she knew how to do.

All these years, Liza shouldered the blame for her brother’s actions, and in her mind, she was making up for failing him way back when. Dare fought to control the anger surging inside him at the damage her parents had done. Ironically, with their choices, they’d hurt both their children, including the golden boy they so wanted to protect.

Dare watched Liza sleep, emotions rioting inside him he couldn’t name or understand. Soft feelings for a woman he was coming to know and the need to shield her from any more pain. And not just because he was a cop and to serve and protect was his motto.


Liza woke upentangled with a hard male body wrapped around hers, and awareness hit her immediately. Her back was to Dare, her head beneath his chin, his arms holding her tight, and one leg was wrapped around hers. She ought to be mortified, but she liked the feeling too much to ruin it. Instead, she breathed in deeply, taking a minute to savor the heady sensation of heat and awareness surrounding her.

Her head still hurt but not with the same deathly intensity as yesterday, for which she was grateful. The last thing she remembered was their deep talk about family. He’d revealed painful memories, and she’d admitted to embarrassing truths. In her mind, that made them even, and again, she refused to be embarrassed.

The problem was she’d opened up to him in a way she’d never done before. Something about Dare Barron inspired trust, and the thought was beyond frightening. She knew she ought to give in to the impulse demanding she slam up walls between them, but he’d stepped up to take care of her, and in her eyes, that was huge. She couldn’t hurt him by freezing him out, and besides, that wasn’t what she wanted.

She wanted him. As long as she remembered that his presence in her life was temporary, she could enjoy the short time they had.

She lay in silence and listened to his deep, even breathing. Every place his body touched felt hot and sensitive and the longer she remained cocooned in his arms, the more aroused she became.

Suddenly, she became aware of a change in his breathing pattern, and a few seconds after that, she felt his erection swell and harden against her back.

He was awake.

“Good morning,” she murmured.

“No need to ask how you knew.” His deep chuckle reverberated throughout her already-tingling body, and he started to pull away, but Liza grabbed his arms.

“Going somewhere?” she asked, wanting to keep him right where he was.

“Feeling better?” he countered.

She couldn’t help but smile, not that he could see. “Depends on your definition of better. I’m alive, and even though my head hurts, it’s not as bad as yesterday.”

She pushed herself forward, separating them only so she could roll over and look into his eyes. “Thank you for staying with me,” she said, truly meaning it.

“My pleasure. I didn’t mean to fall asleep in here.”

“It’s fine.” She’d actually slept better with him here. She was normally a light sleeper, hearing everything all around her, and though the pain pills probably accounted for her deep sleep, a part of her recognized his presence soothed her. Which scared her. She didn’t want to like anything about having him here beyond appreciating his care and enjoying his company. She couldn’t let herself depend on anyone.

“It definitely wasn’t a hardship,” he said. “Well, until a few minutes ago, anyway.”

Despite herself, she grinned, knowing he was teasing her about waking up with his erection snuggled against her back, a hot sensation that still caused a delicious tingling between her thighs.

She took in his disheveled morning look, the messy hair, the razor stubble, and the intensity in those chocolate-brown eyes. A girl could melt in that gaze. There was no harm in admitting that truth in her mind, if nowhere else.

“Didn’t I warn you not to look at me like that?” he asked.

She licked her dry lips, words eluding her.

He reached out and ran his thumb over her bottom lip, the simple touch sending currents of electricity to strategic body parts. She couldn’t pretend to be immune to him, even if she wanted to.

She didn’t.

“What if I can’t?” she whispered. Something about this man caused her to ignore every warning bell in her head.