Page 21 of Karma

“Of course I do,” she said, not the least bit offended. “And I’ll tell you why. I have Liza’s ear. We’re not just working on the fundraiser together. We go way back. Which means I know her. I have insight you’re going to need. So instead of waiting until you have to come begging me for information, you share with me and I’ll do the same.” She batted her eyelashes at him in a very unpracticed move.

Faith, for all her teasing now, wasn’t manipulative nor was she nosy. The woman cared about everyone in her life—those she let in anyway. Now that Dare was one of those people, no way would he get off telling her to mind her own business.

“We came to an understanding,” he told Faith. They’d agreed they had chemistry and then kissed to prove it, Dare thought.

Faith raised her eyebrows. “What doesthatmean?” she asked.

“It means that’s all the information you’re getting tonight,” Ethan said, coming up to his wife and rescuing his brother. “When and if Dare needs help with his love life, he knows where to find you.” Ethan slipped a finger into a belt loop on the back of Faith’s jeans. “Come here and bother me instead of Dare.”

Faith opened her mouth, no doubt to object. Ethan pulled her closer and whispered in her ear. “Okay, then. Home it is,” she said, a flush rising on her cheeks.

Dare shook his head and bit his tongue before he used Tess’s line about getting a room because it sounded like that was what they had in mind anyway.

“I’m going upstairs,” he said. “Night, all.”

“Dare, wait. I just wanted to say one serious thing. Did you notice how Liza sat at the table with us but never really joined in?” Faith asked.

He shook his head. He’d been too busy trying to hold a conversation with his friends when all he wanted to do was get Liza alone.

“She holds herself back from people, something I know all about from personal experience.”

“Your father betrayed you, Faith. You had good reason.”

“Liza hasn’t had it any easier. I haven’t seen her in years, and I can still tell she doesn’t trust people easily.”

Dare frowned. She’d said as much to him, but he figured she just didn’t want to make it easy on him. He wanted to know the reasons Liza was so wary of people. Of him. But even if Faith knew the answers, Dare would rather Liza tell him herself. Because doing so would mean she trusted him.

When Dare realized he desired that trust even more than he wantedher, he knew that when it came to this woman, he was in deep trouble.


The rest ofthe week flew by, and Saturday arrived—bright, sunny, and hot. A perfect day for an outdoor event. When Liza had decided to attend the youth center fundraiser, she never thought she’d do so having kissed Dare Barron. She hadn’t heard from or spoken to him since, not that she’d expected to. But she couldn’t have imagined the potency of that kiss and wondered if he’d felt it too.

Was he interested? Or maybe he kissed every woman who gave him an opening. Or maybe he’d decided that she wasn’t worth the effort, what with her ties to her troublesome brother. Liza didn’t know what Dare thought or felt, but she’d been torturing herself with the possibilities for the rest of the week.

She exhaled hard, feeling ridiculous. It wasn’t like she’d never kissed a guy, then had to face him afterward. Seeing Dare again would be a piece of cake. She bit the inside of her cheek, picked up her bag, and headed out the door, calling herself a liar the entire drive to the youth center.

Luckily, Jeff was waiting for her when she paid her entry fee and walked onto the grassy lawn behind the center, the buffer she’d been so eager to have.

She waved and met up with him. “You’re prompt.”

“I aim to please,” he said with a grin. “Can I get you a soda or anything to eat?”

She shook her head. Her stomach was already churning with a combination of excitement and nerves. Not that she’d let him get her anything anyway. “No, thank you, but if you’re hungry, we can stop by any of the food stands.”

“I’m good, thanks.” He tipped his head to the side, indicating they should start milling around.

Liza walked beside him, uncomfortable when he placed a hand on the small of her back like they weretogethertogether. Not ready to say something in case she was overreacting, Liza strode along the grass, passing carnival-like booths run by many police officers she knew too well, firefighters she knew by sight or name, and kids obviously recruited to help. As they walked, Liza was surprised at how many people she saw that she knew and was even more pleased with how many friendly hellos she received.

They met up with Bianca Raye, Liza’s assistant. “Hey there!” the perky redhead said, greeting them with a smile.

“Hi, Bianca!”

Jeff smiled at her.

“Fancy meeting you two here,” Bianca said. Jeff’s hand lingered on Liza’s back, and the confusion on Bianca’s face echoed the feelings inside Liza. She took the opportunity to step closer to the other woman and away from Jeff’s too-familiar touch.

“I offered to meet up with Jeff and introduce him to people since he’s new in town,” Liza explained as much to Bianca as to reinforce her reasons to Jeff.