I didn’t have time for my brother’s shit. “Yes, it’s Nora. Now make the fucking call.”

“She told me at lunch that she might be going there for dinner with a friend.”

“So why the hell did you make me tell you who it was?”

His smile spread to a full-blown grin. “I just wanted to hear you admit it.”

“Make the damn call.”

Jake picked up the phone and swiped around for a few seconds before bringing his cell to his ear. “Hey, Brett. What’s up, man?”

I listened to one side of a dumbass conversation for a few minutes before he finally got around to asking about my reservation.

“Listen, my big bro is trying to impress a woman. He needs a resy at your place tonight at eight thirty. Think you can make that happen for me?”

I was waaaayyy too anxious waiting to hear.

Jake grinned. “You’re the best, man. I owe you one.” He listened and then chuckled. “You got it. I’ll make that happen soon.”

My brother swiped his phone off and flashed a smug smile. “Done-zito.”

“Thank you.”

“So I take it you two are keeping whatever is going on between you on the downlow? Since Nora didn’t mention herfriendwas you, and you were trying to keep your dinner date’s name top secret. Things have progressed from casual, I take it?”

I didn’t answer, not verbally anyway.

Jake read my face. “Oh. Sorry. That sucks.”

My brother was the last person I usually talked to about women. But in a moment of weakness, I let my guard down. “Yeah, it does.”

“She’s moving at the end of the summer, right?”


“Some people can make long distance work.”

“It’s a little more than that.”

Jake nodded. He finally set all four of the chair legs on the floor. “I’ll let you get back to work.”

I stopped him at the door. “Hey, Jake?”

He turned.

“Thanks for getting the reservation.”

“No problem. Have a good time.”

I nodded. “Hey. What did you come into my office for anyway?”

He flashed his boyish smile. “To rub your nose in the fact that I had lunch with Nora. I know how bad you have it for her—knew it even before you did.”



“I STILL CAN’Tbelieve you got us a table.”