“I’ve received a ton of emails from people wanting to donate to a charity that supports end-of-life adventures.” She pointed up this time, and words flashed above her head. “So I’ve added some links to amazing organizations for those of you who want to contribute. You can even donate in the name of a loved one.” She waved at the camera. “That’s it for today. Stop back soon for more adventures, and remember—live every day like it’s your last!”

The screen froze on Nora’s smiling face. I finished off my whiskey, enjoying the view. Once my shoulders relaxed a bit, I picked up my phone to text Nora back and see how Gram’s cough was doing. I hadn’t responded to her photos from earlier, so I started there.

Beck: Great pics. Thanks for sharing. How is Annie Oakley’s cough?

A few seconds later my phone vibrated.

Nora: dhr’s frrling netted

My brows drew together. I typed back.

Beck: They serve wine at chow time?

A minute went by, and then my phone rang. Nora.


“Hey. Sorry about that. My new cell is on the fritz. I’m outside, and it’s pretty dark. For some reason, it illuminates when messages come in, but it won’t light up for me to send a response. I was guessing where the keys were. Guess I didn’t do so well?”

“Let’s put it this way, I thought you were drunk.”

Nora laughed, and I felt a warmth run through me.Must be heartburn from that wine at dinner.

“Her cough is about the same,” Nora said. “No better, but also no worse. It’s definitely not holding her back any. I’m having a hard time keeping up with her this week.”

Music played in the background. It had been pretty loud when she first started talking, but it faded now. I thought maybe she’d walked outside at a bar or something.

“Where are you?”

“At a bonfire. The ranch we’re staying at does one every night. It’s pretty amazing. They make the biggest fire I’ve ever seen, and then some of the cowboys sit around and play music.”

“Sounds like fun.”

She laughed. “I bet you’d hate it. Though your daughter could definitely earn her wilderness badge out here.”

In the background, I heard a man’s voice. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you.”

“Hang on a second, Beck, okay?”


The conversation became muffled, but I could still hear what they were saying.

“Is everything okay with Louise?” Nora asked.

“She’s fine,” the man said. “Was looking for you to see if you wanted to take a ride down to a pasture not too far from here. It’s got some of the best stargazing in the state of Montana.”

“Oh, that sounds nice. When are you all leaving?”

“Whenever you want. Was hoping it would just be me and you.”


“Sorry,” the man said. “I didn’t realize you were on the phone.”

“I’ll be off in a minute.”

“No rush. Come find me, if you’re up for it.”