She held up her margarita glass. “If we’re stripping, you’d better tell that cute bartender I need a tequila floater on top.”

“You got it.”

I went to the bar and came back with two drinks, as well as two tequila shots. It looked like the last couple who had been watching the sunset were packing up to go.

“We’re going to have the beach to ourselves in a few minutes.” I handed Louise a shot. “I thought we could use these, too.”

She and I clinked shot glasses before knocking them back, then sat on the beach finishing our drinks until the sun ducked below the horizon.

“You ready?” I asked.

She stood. “You only live once.”

As we stripped out of our clothes, my camera fell from my bag. I picked it up and wiped off the sand. “I guess this is going to be the first activity I’m not recording for my blog.”

“Will you get shut down if you post something like this?”

“I don’t think so. Are you saying you want me to record it?”

“Maybe you can put some of those black bars over my nooks and crannies? But let’s film it. We’re trying to inspire other people not to sit home and wait for their last days to come. We told them we’d share the good, the bad, and the ugly. This will be the latter.”

I smiled. “Whatever you want.”

Once we were both undressed and I’d set up my camera on the beach chair, I held out my hand to Louise. “You ready?”

“I was born ready, and I’m gonna die the same way. Let’s go.”

We squealed when we entered the water. It wasn’t cold, but it hit the parts that were normally covered with a shock. Once we were neck deep, we floated on our backs.

“This feels incredible!” Louise exclaimed.

“I know. It’s so freeing.”

“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but this might be my favorite thing we’ve done so far.”

I sighed. “Sometimes the simple things can be the most rewarding.”

“We should keep that in mind as we plan the rest of our itinerary. It doesn’t always have to be about things that scare the bejesus out of us.”

“You’d probably make your grandson happy if we had some activities that weren’t risking your life.”

“Oh, that’s true. Maybe we could not tell him about the more subdued activities. Otherwise he might think I listened to him about calming things down.”

I laughed. “God forbid.”

Louise and I floated for a long time, staring up at the stars. It made me feel free, yet at the same time, connected to the elements in a way I’d never been. When we started getting pruney, we decided it was time to get out. Except when we looked at the shore, we weren’t alone anymore.

I squinted. “Are those people at our chairs, or did we float down the beach?”

Louise covered her breasts as we moved closer to get a better look. “I think that girl is wearing my hat!”

Three teenagers, two girls and a boy, were rummaging through our shit. I yelled and pushed forward in the water as fast as I could. “Hey! That’s our stuff. Get away from there!”

One of the girls pointed to us, and the other two hoodlums scooped up everything we’d left on the chairs.

“Let’s go!” one yelled.

“No way,” the boy said. “I want to see their tits.”