He pointed. “There’s a folder called Miss Pain in there.”

Great.I scrolled until I found it. “There are more than a thousand pictures in here. Does your wife have all of these?”

“I didn’t realize they were backing up to the cloud.”

Taking a deep breath, I opened the folder. The first few weren’t terrible. The woman, whom I assumed was Miss Pain, wore a leather outfit. Yates wasn’t even in the pictures…until he was.

I shook my head and mumbled a string of curses. If I had thought up the worst, most compromising thing related to BDSM for a man who was the face of a baby-food company, I couldn’t have imagined this.

I cleared my throat. “You’re on your knees wearing a bonnet and a diaper while a woman clad in leather pierces your skin with her stiletto, and you walk into my office and say wemighthave a slight problem? That’s like saying a sinking ship has a slight hole, Mr. Bradley.”

His shoulders slumped. “What do I do?”

I slid the phone across the desk. “You go home to your wife and offer her whatever amount of money it will take to make this go away.”

“She’s already moved out and won’t speak to me. Her lawyer wants to meet.”

“Well, then set up a meeting.”

“I did. He’ll be here in an hour.”

“Here? Why is he coming here?”

“Because I didn’t know who else to turn to, and you’ve fixed all the other things that popped up.”

“I’m in the business of buying and selling companies, Mr. Bradley. Not playing Whac-A-Mole.”


I huffed. “Fine. But I’m speaking to him alone. Go home, and I’ll call you after I’m done.”


“And I’m taking another point on the sale for the shit you’ve put me through.”



“I’VE NEVER GONEskinny dipping, you know…”

The following week, Louise and I were sitting on a beach in the Bahamas, watching the sunset. I sucked the rest of my piña colada through the paper straw and turned to her with a grin.

“We should fix that…”

My friend’s eyes widened. She looked around. There was only one other couple on the beach now. It seemed most people cleared out to shower and change for dinner before the best part of the day. “Let’s see if they leave soon.”

I shrugged. “Who cares if they see?”

“My body doesn’t look like yours, dear. I’m going to have to use one hand to keep my breasts from dragging in the sand, and the other to cover my hooha.”

“Why are you covering your hooha? We just got it buffed out. Show that thing off.”

Louise and I had gone for massages and a wax yesterday afternoon when we’d arrived. After, she’d told me it was the first experience she regretted so far.

“I’m like Bob Ross, better with a happy little bush.”

I laughed. “You want another drink?”