Page 129 of Something Unexpected

I wasn’t sure I’d everhadNora to define what happened between us as a breakup. Yet I nodded. “Yeah.”

“What happened?”

No way in hell was I telling anyone about Nora’s illness. So I told half the truth, the part that wouldn’t cause me to bawl like a baby. “She moved to California.”

Meghan nodded. “Long distance is hard. My ex-husband tried it with his mistress. But eventually it got to be too much, so he packed his shit and moved to Miami.” She winked, and I smiled.


“Nothing to be sorry about. Our marriage was over anyway. But thank you.” Meghan sighed. “My breakup was two years ago. How about yours?”

“Eighty-four days.”

She arched a brow. “Not that you’re counting?”

I smiled. “Right.”

My brother Jake walked over. He perked up when he got a look at Meghan.

He slung one arm around my neck and extended his hand. “Hi. I’m the non-brooding brother, Jake. What’s your name?”

Meghan chuckled and shook. “Meghan. It’s nice to meet you, Jake.” She looked to me. “I didn’t realize you were here with anyone. Let me guess, he dragged you out?”

My lip curled. “Something like that.”

Not long after we arrived, Jake and his buddies had joined a table of ladies who looked like they might still be in college. I’d declined to join them, hoping I could sneak out soon. I figured I’d complied with Gram’s guilt-trip-letter request long enough.

“We’re going down the block to The Next to go dancing,” Jake said to Meghan. “Why don’t you two come?”

Meghan’s face was pensive. “I’m going to guess your brother isn’t up for that?”

Jake slapped my chest. “Of course he is. Aren’t you, Becksy boy?”

“Not really,Jakesy boy.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t be such a party-pooper all the time.Remember the letter…”

I heard Gram’s voice in my head.“Cut the shit and go. Stop acting like a spoilsport.We only get one life. Don’t waste it dwelling on the past. Suck it up and create a new future.”

Fuck.I sighed. “Fine.”

“Now that’s not any way to invite your new friend, Meghan, is it, big bro?”

Meghan’s eyes sparkled. She was enjoying the interaction between me and Jake.

“Would you like to join us at some stupid club with my pain-in-the-ass brother?”

She grinned. “That sounds wonderful.”

Ten minutes later, I was at a nightclub. The house music was so loud, I could barely hear myself think. Jake and his crew were already out on the dance floor, while Meghan stuck with me at the bar.

I pointed to the band of idiots and leaned in, but I still had to yell. “Go dance with them!”

“Will you come too?” she yelled back.

“Not enough alcohol in me to get my ass out there.”

She smirked and raised her hand to the bartender. “Let’s fix that!”