Page 128 of Something Unexpected

“You know those letters she left each of us?”

I nodded.

“Well, mine had one in it for you. She instructed me to give it to you if I felt it was necessary.”

“What’s it say?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t open it.”

I tore open the envelope. Seeing Gram’s slanty handwriting brought that hollow feeling to my chest again. The note was only a paragraph long.

My dearest Beckham,

Get your head out of your ass. If you’re reading this letter, it’s because you’ve been moping around, working too much, and probably drinking too much. In my seventy-eight years, I thought I’d learned all the lessons I needed to learn. But it turned out there was one I wish I’d learned earlier: LIVE. Shit happens. Deals fall through. People die. We only get one life, so it can’t be wasted dwelling on the past. Suck it up and create a new future. No excuses. If you won’t do it for yourself, then do it for me.

I love you, you stubborn bastard.

Now get up and go do something stupid with your brother. He’s good at that.

Always, Gram

P.S. Seal this letter up and give it back to Jake. I have a feeling he’ll need to give it to you more than once.

I shook my head when I finished reading, but I was smiling.Even when she’s gone, she’s still busting my balls.

Jake stood waiting. “What’s it say?”

“It says she wants me to babysit your ass.” I stood and grabbed my jacket off the back of my seat. “Come on. Let’s go get drinks.”


All I wanted to do was go home and sleep, even after a gorgeous brunette sidled up to me at the bar and set her wine down.

“Hi. I’m Meghan.”

“Beck.” I nodded.

She tilted her head coyly. “Can I buy you a drink, Beck?”

I held up my full glass. “Got one. Thank you.”

The woman looked down at my left hand. “Married, but don’t wear a ring?”

I sipped my whiskey. “Nope.”


“Definitely not.”

She frowned. “Oh…kay. Then it’s just me. I can take a hint.” She picked up her drink, and I realized I was being a jerk, so I stopped her from leaving.

“It’s definitely not you.” And it wasn’t. She was petite with a tan complexion, big blue eyes, full lips, and loads of dangerous curves. “You’re beautiful.”

She turned back with a smile. “Thank you. That helps my bruised ego, a little anyway.” Meghan sipped her wine. “I’m not usually the type of person who walks up to a guy in a bar. It tends to give him the wrong idea. But you look sad, so I figured what the hell.”

“I’m sorry. It’s been a rough go lately.”

She leaned her elbows on the bar. “Recent breakup?”