Page 125 of Something Unexpected

“Okay.” I looked around one more time, then saw my reflection in the water beneath us. “Wait. We have to make a wish.”

Beck’s forehead wrinkled. “A wish?”

I nodded. “Louise says you have to make a wish whenever water clears and you see your reflection.” I pointed. “Look.”

The main falls had slowed a bit, causing the water to smooth out. The bright sun beamed our reflection back to us, clear as day now.

Beck smiled. “That sounds like Gram.”

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, wishing for something I’d stopped wishing for a long time ago. When I opened my eyes, Beck was staring at me.

“You’re supposed to make a wish.”

“I did.” He looked into my eyes. “I know exactly what I want, so it didn’t take long.”

My heart squeezed. I had a feeling we’d both wished for the same impossible thing.


“What would be on your list?” I asked.

Beck had made a fire when we got back to the cabin. We were both sprawled out on the floor in front of it with our heads propped up on throw pillows as it crackled. He’d been pretty quiet since we left the falls.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“I asked what would be on your bucket list, if you made one.”

Beck sat up. He grabbed the bottle of wine from the coffee table and refilled our glasses. “I need another to consider that question.”

I smiled. “It is a pretty tough one.”

He sipped his wine. “I don’t think mine would be quite as adventurous as yours and Gram’s, but it’d probably have a lot of travel on it. I’ve been a lot of places for work, but not too many for pleasure.”

I sipped. “Like where?”

“Running of the bulls in Spain. Greek islands. Tuscany wine tasting.”

“Interesting. Go on.”

“Floor seats at a Knicks-Celtics game, where the Knicks win. Preferably a playoff. Fifty-yard-line seats at a Giants-Patriots Superbowl, where the Giants win.”

I smiled. “You’re such a New Yorker. Basically you just want the New York teams to beat all the Boston ones?”

The corner of his lip twitched. “Pretty much.”

“What else?”

“Road trip across America in an RV. See the Northern Lights in Iceland.” He grinned. “Smoke a joint with Snoop Dogg.”

I chuckled. “Do you even smoke pot?”

“No, but with Snoop Dogg I would.”

“Anything else?”

He shrugged. “Safari in Africa. Take flying lessons. Hike the Inca Trail in Machu Picchu, Peru.

“Those are all good ones.”