The bartender came over. He pointed to my drink. “The same?”

“Please.” I looked to Nora. “Another wine?”

She shook her head. “No, thank you.”

“Have another. I’m leaving in the morning, and I’m not even pissing you off at the moment.”

“I actually have some work to do, edits for my next book I need to approve. They’re due today.”

I was disappointed. Even with the chance of going back to her room all but gone, Nora was spirited. I enjoyed listening to what came out of those full lips, even if I still wanted to slip something between them.

She pulled out her wallet.

I stopped her. “On me, please. It’s the least I can do for everything you’re doing with my grandmother.”

She smiled sadly. “You still don’t understand. I’m getting as much as I’m giving from Louise. It’s not a favor or a burden. We only do things we both want to do.” Slipping her wallet back into her purse, she stood. “But thank you for the drink anyway. It was nice to meet you, Beck. At least I think it was?”

I chuckled. “I still have your room key, you know. I could let you finish your work and then finish what we almost started last night?”

Nora leaned down and kissed my cheek. “Probably not a good idea now that I know you’re Louise’s grandson. I was going to use you.”

“I’m good with being used…”

She laughed. “Goodnight, Beck. Maybe I’ll see you around someday.”



“JUST WHEN Iwas getting comfy giving the orders around here…” My brother leaned against the doorframe of my office. “…the ogre is back.”

“You gave the orders around here? Do I need to file for bankruptcy?”

Jake pushed off and welcomed himself into my office. He leaned on the back of one of my guest chairs, tilting it so the front legs came off the ground. His eyes zoned in on the multiple Band-Aids on my hands. “What the hell happened to you?”

“Bitsyhappened,” I grumbled.

Jake’s brows shot up. “Gram’s dog? She bit you?”

“That dog hates me. The little shit waits until I fall asleep, and then climbs up on the bed to wake me by biting my fingers. Every damn night.”

My brother laughed.

“It’s not funny. You know, you can take her, too. I had to have the neighbor’s kid watch her while I was away.”

“Gram asked you. Besides, sometimes I don’t make it home at night.”

I shook my head. “Did you want something? I have a lot to catch up on.”

“How’s Gram?”

“Stubborn. Opinionated. Obstinate.”

Jake grinned. “So she’s still acting normal? No signs the cancer is affecting her yet?”

I took off my suit jacket and hung it on the back of my chair before pulling it out to sit. “I think she might be the first person cancer is too scared of to attack a third time.”

“Did you meet the woman she’s traveling with? The one who’s been such a bitch to you?”