Page 112 of Something Unexpected

“I’d say right about now, you should stop worrying about eating healthy and enjoy every meal.”

I looked at the waiter. “Can you change my order to the baked mac and cheese?”

He smiled. “Of course.”

I held up the menu for him to take. “Actually…can I also have the baby back ribs?”

“Thatta girl,” Louise said.

My eyes were definitely bigger than my stomach, and I couldn’t finish either entrée. But they were both delicious, much better than a bed of lettuce. When the waiter brought the bill, I decided to confide in Louise about where things were going with Beck and me.

“Louise, I really care about your grandson.”

“I’m pretty certain he feels the same. It’s been a long time since that man has opened his heart to anyone.”

I sighed. “That’s the problem. I never meant for us to happen, for him to get hurt.”

“Love can’t be planned.”

“No, it certainly can’t. And in another life, I would be over the moon. My attraction to Beck was there from the moment we met, but I’ve fallen for the man he is underneath all that pomp and arrogance. Beck is nothing like I expected when I first met him. I let my guard down because I thought he was safe—a man I’d never go for.”

Louise smiled. “Some men are wolves in sheep’s clothing. My grandson is a sheep dressed up as a wolf.”

“That’s a very good analogy.”

“I know my grandson well. He doesn’t let many people in, but when he does, he loves hard. He gives his heart and soul and everything he has.”

I frowned. “That’s exactly why I need to back away now. I don’t know how long I have, but every day is just going to make it harder in the end. He shouldn’t have to go through watching the two of us die.”

“I appreciate you worrying about him. But my guess is that it’s too late for saving his eventual broken heart.”

“Maybe. But some time and space between us will help.”

Louise nodded. “I’ll support whatever you do or say.”

“Thank you. Once I’m in California, it will be easier. But I think I need to end things with him when we get back to New York.”

“Don’t you worry. You have my word that I’ll watch out for him when that happens,” Louise said.

I smiled sadly. “And you have my word that I’ll watch out for him.” I looked up. “Forever.”



I HATED TOinvolve my grandmother. But after four days in New York, things between Nora and me had changed. So I had no choice but to call and dig around.

“Hey. How are you feeling?”

“If I had a tail, I’d be wagging it.”

I smiled. “Any plans for today?”

“Sip and paint. Can’t wait.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a painting class where you drink wine. My friend Lucille and I are going. She found a place where the subject is a nude male model. Wine, naked men who aren’t wrinkly prunes, and my friend—not sure it gets too much better than that.”