Page 44 of Fae Lost

Everything seemed enhanced. The fabrics were finer and softer. The metalwork was more filigrain than any human artisan would be able to produce. I wished Bleddyn was here so I could ask him if this was a Fae glamor, or if they used magic to produce such opulence.

I toyed with the idea of throwing myself onto the bed, but I really needed to have a bath first. My hair was greasy, and I knew my feet were black with dirt and sand. The rough sandals Bleddyn had bought for me in the market hadn’t kept the grime off the skin.

I pursed my mouth in disgust. Out there, in the tavern, I hadn’t realized how disgusting I’d become. It had only taken me a few days to get used to it. But here, in these incredible surroundings, I stuck out like a very dirty thumb.

Delyth appeared in the doorway and called out to me. “Come, milady. Your bath is ready.”

I followed her across the entry room to the other side. I’d expected a tub similar to what I’d bathed in at the tavern, but I gasped in surprise when I saw what was in the other room. How was this even possible?

An actual pool, maybe ten by ten feet, was filled to the rim with hot, turquoise water. The women must have added something, because it smelled deliciously of spring, and the milky sheen promised my skin would be soft and smooth after the bath.

I was about to take off my dirty rags when I realized that the two women still stood by the entrance, watching me. Turning with my top pulled up to my chin, I said, “Is there anything else you need?”

I was trying to be polite, but they looked at each other in confusion, with no intention of letting me bathe by myself.

I tried again. “I’m sorry, but in the human world, we bathe by ourselves.”

Margiad wrung her hands, and Delyth looked supremely uncomfortable. Clearly, I was missing something. Finally, Delyth said, “We were given an order to stay with you at all times.”

Margiad added hastily, “This is for your protection, milady. The prince would be devastated if you had an accident in the bath.”

So the order to keep me supervised came from the prince. I wasn’t surprised, but it gave me another piece of the puzzle. To test my theory, I asked, “So if I didn’t want to clean up and rather take a walk around the palace, would you come with me?”

Delyth looked scandalized. “No, milady. You are not allowed to leave this room. There are guards outside.”

I nodded, resigning myself to my situation. Clearly, the prince had no intention of letting me escape. No, I was staying here where he had full control over me.

I was also getting angry with the two women, even though I knew it wasn’t their fault. They’d be in big trouble if they didn’t follow the prince’s orders. I’d only just arrived here. They owed me no loyalty.

Throwing my embarrassment to the wind, I turned my back and quickly stripped out of the disgusting rags, dropping them where I stood. Then I jumped into the hot water to cover myself as quickly as possible.

I felt a little guilty that strangers would have to deal with my dirty laundry. But then again, why should I? They were supposed to take care of me, didn’t they?

While closing my eyes and keeping my head underwater, I revelled in the sensation of the warm water enveloping my body. When I ran out of air, I surfaced, still keeping my eyes closed. I wasn’t ready to return to reality just yet.

Somebody’s fingers touched my scalp and began massaging a sticky substance into my hair. Gloriously, strong fingertips rubbed the skin and moved across my scalp. It felt so soporific, it took me a moment to realize one of the women must have joined me in the pool.

Chapter thirty

Iturnedaround,readyto protest, but instead of Margiad or Delyth, Daeary stood behind me, his hands still rubbing circles on my scalp. He grinned widely, his eyes sparking with fiery delight.

Punching his chest, I said, “Where did you come from? Where are those women?”

Daeary laughed. “I have ways to come and go as I please in the palace. As for your ladies-in-waiting? I sent them to sleep.”

My eyes flew wide open. I reached up and grabbed his wrist. “What do you mean, you put them to sleep? Did you kill them?”

He grimaced, looking aghast and a little hurt. “No, I did not kill them. I did not hurt them at all. What do you take me for? I simply delivered lusty dreams. They are asleep on your bed, making beautiful love with whoever they choose to.”

As an afterthought, he added, “I have no influence over who people dream about, but I do not judge.”

“Oh.” I was lost for words. I knew so little about this man, this demon.

His grin grew wider. “There are facets to my powers that are very helpful. This is one of them.”

My gaze strayed to the entrance room on the other side of the pool. “How did you get in here? Aren’t there guards outside the door?”

Pulling me closer, he chuckled. “There were. Then I set some uniforms on fire. Do not worry. They were able to easily extinguish the flames. The commander was very upset, though.”