Page 55 of Poison Pen

Staring past us, Ricki’s brother let his gaze run over the scene on the street, our impromptu block party starting to wind down as the night cooled and parents took their kids home to bed. The tables outside the restaurant were nearly empty, and the noise coming from inside Ricki’s shop was now nothing more than a low murmur and the sound of heave drums from whatever badass girl rock she and Violet had playing.

But rather than looking at his sister’s burgeoning business with any semblance of pride, Dom was sneering at it, as though it offended him somehow.

“Did you really think you could keep all this under the radar?” he finally asked, and I watched her face for a reaction.

She didn’t give him one. In fact, it was as though she had frozen entirely, her face intentionally blank.

“You can’t honestly be stupid enough to pull shit like this and think you can get away with it.”

“I didn’t pull any shit,” she said, but her words lacked her usual fire. “I did exactly what I agreed to. I stayed out of Manhattan and out of your lives. I am not causing any friction.”

What the hell was happening here?

“Starting a business with a newly minted multi-millionaire is hardly not causing friction, Enrica.”

Ricki’s eyes went wide before she grimaced, crossing her arms over herself protectively while nervously toying with her necklace, and my fists clenched at my sides.

“How do you even know about that? How do you know about any of it?”

“I make it my business to know,” he said, looking at her tattoo shop again before shaking his head. “Just be glad it was me that came down here tonight and not Mother.”

Ricki cringed, her mouth drawing down into a frown.

I really needed to find out more about her family. Although, if this conversation was anything to go by, I wasn’t gonna like it one bit.

“I don’t see how any of this matters, Dom. I’m just trying to live my life. Why do you have to make it a problem?”

“It doesn’t have to be a problem if you do what you promised,” he snapped at her, and I hated the way she physically flinched. “You know the rules as much as I do; stay quiet and stay away. Just do what is expected of you for once, Enrica. No one wants a repeat of what happened last time.”

“Dominic!” Ricki gasped, her eyes darting to me before looking back at him. “There’s no need to—”

“He’s running for mayor next year, Enrica,” the guy went on as though she hadn’t spoken, and I was having a real hard time keeping my cool. He may have been her brother, but I wouldn’t stand for his disrespect. “The last thing we need is you coming out of the woodwork withanotherscandal.”

What the hell? None of this made any sense, but I knew Ricki didn’t need me asking questions right now.

“Mayor?” she gasped, her face horrified. “He’s running for mayor? Of New York?”

Dom looked at her like he was disappointed she’d even have to ask.

“Yes, of New York, Enrica. Jesus Christ.” He sighed before he continued. “Just do like you were told and disappear.”

The look of sadness that crossed Ricki’s face cut me to the core, and I moved toward her without thought, wanting to offer her some comfort. But the moment I stepped forward, she retreated, stepping away from me and her brother, toying with her necklace as she stared at the ground.

Dom noticed the move and looked at me, his lip curled in disgust as he assessed me from top to bottom.

“You’d do well to steer clear of this girl,” he said coldly, tilting his head to indicate Ricki. “She’s been known to attempt to ruin lives. Don’t let yours be next.”

“Hey, fuck you, buddy,” I growled, moving forward to really show this prick what a ruined life looked like, but Ricki wrapped herself around my arm, holding me back.

“Don’t do it, Asher,” she said, shooting a venomous glance at her brother. “He’ll sue you just because he can. The man has no soul.”

“I’m not afraid of a little litigation,” I insisted, but Ricki was shaking her head.

“Trust me; he’s not worth it.”

Huffing out a self-satisfied laugh, Dom shook his head, looking at us with disdain.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Enrica. I’m worth more than ever.”