Again, feeling a little uneasy, I nod, "Yeah."

"And this woman you're interested in told you she is seeing the guy?"

Getting irritated, I almost snapped, but then I remembered Jenna never said she was seeing the guy. She had only said she came with the guy, which didn't always mean they were going out or had feelings for one another.

Correctly reading my expression, Gray smugly asks, "You figured something out?"

I nod dumbly. "Yeah.

Snickering, Gray gets up smugly, patting my shoulder, and says, "That's why you've got to talk to me, man. You know you aren't smart enough to figure some things out alone."

He is right. The bastard is right. Why did I think Jenna came to the event with a partner, even though Gwen had already introduced her as single? I couldn't feel well enough around her. She messed with my head.

And the most significant issue is that it also affected my judgment lately. I don't know how to feel about that. Is it okay to be in Jen's proximity for a whole week?

Chapter Eight - Jenna

IgnoringGwenthewholeday is a challenge I want to avoid going through again. Following me, even when I try to lose her using the elevator, she freaking takes the stairs – and our office is on the nineteenth floor. And to think she still has the stamina to freaking run after me when I rush to the parking area.

It's only due to God's given human nature that she can't run as fast as the car, or I would be in the other world by now. I feel flattered that she cares so much, but her obsession is reaching new peaks. It's starting to freak me out more than the threatening messages.

I promised Cale I'd pick him up after school because I couldn't find another excuse to avoid "the talk."

Driving toward Cale's kindergarten, I think about what we can do as a family today. Perhaps a movie marathon and a low-fat chocolate and vanilla ice cream party. It may be overkill to do this on a Monday, but I feel guilty for not being able to spoil him more.

Upon arriving at the kindergarten, I glance into the rear-view mirror and notice the same black car that has been following me since the last intersection still on my tail. Feeling apprehensive, I stop at the school gates and observe the vehicle as it idles a short distance away.

Someone suddenly knocks on my window, startling me. "Madam, is everything okay?"

Breathing nervously, I roll down the window and try to smile. "Yes. I'm sorry. Everything's fine. I will drive in right away."

I thank God that the Chicago Kindergarten doesn't let in anyone shady. Still, I am freaking out about what to do when driving out.

Parking the car, I walk toward Cale's classroom, see him playing with his classmates, and I can't help but smile. It's been a while since I saw Cale play with his classmates. I rarely have the time to pick him up from school or take him out to play. It's usually Bethany, the babysitter's responsibility, but today I gave Bethany the day off because I missed Cale.

The black car outside is disconcerting. No matter what troubles me at work, they should never involve Cale – so I called the only person to help me with this. The caller's tune rings, and when it is answered on the fourth ring, I hear, "Charles here."

Grateful to him for picking up so fast, I say, "Charles, I need your help."

"Sure. What do you need?"

"Meet me at the Chicago Kindergarten as soon as possible and bring your car. I will tell you everything once we get home. Just hurry up."

"Right now?"

"Yes. Right now, Charles."

"You owe me one, Hart."

"When have I not returned a favor, Charles?"

"True. Alright. Get ready. I will be there soon."

Hanging up, I speak with Cale's teacher, Hanna, who has been in the classroom waiting for the kids to be picked up. Entering the room, I notice Cale's face brighten as he runs towards me. "Mom, you're here!"

The kid barely reaches my waist when he hugs me. Smiling, I kneel and ask, "Did you have an awesome day?"

Cale's smile brightens the room like it lights up my world. "Yeah. Mom, we drew animals today. And I drew a whale."