As I drop him off, Cale turns and kisses my cheek before going to class, "Bye, Mom. See you after school."

Watching him walk so happily to the classroom already makes my day. Honestly, if it was up to me, I also wouldn't want to leave him alone, but I have to do my job, or I won't be able to support him.

Seeing him walk through the school doors, I drive to my workplace immediately.

After parking in the lot, I take the elevator to my office as my professional phone pings again. I pick up the phone and notice I have received a message from another unknown number.

Sitting in my office chair, I open the text feeling apprehensive, and there it is.

"Don't you dare ignore our warning! Remember, Resign or Regret."

This message is timed with my arrival at the office. I don't want to admit it, but it no longer seems a joke.

I'm in such deep contemplation I don't notice Gwen come in until she stands beside me, "What are you looking at?"

Startled, I turn, but it is too late. Gwen snatches my phone from my hand and is now reading the text. "Jen, what is this?"

I sigh, not knowing what to tell her. "I don't know. I received a similar text yesterday morning, but I thought it was a joke until now. But this text came right when I arrived at the office."

Gwen looks serious, asking, "Show me the other text."

I show her, and she scoffs, "They are trying to play with you. Bastards."

Sighing, I say, "Don't worry. I'll be fine. I can handle it."

Gwen looks at me as if I were stupid, "What? Are you crazy, Jenna? Why wouldn't you report this?"

Trying to calm her, I whisper, "Calm down, Gwen. I have received only two text messages like this so far. Chances are, if I report this, no one will take it seriously, and reporting it may aggravate the person who sent it. Right now, whoever they are is at least trying to be civil."

Gwen is not appeased, "Civil? This person is threatening you. It doesn't matter if they're civil or not. Wait. It's even more dangerous. If some kid is joking, they won't use this wording. Being civil while threatening. It's probably a well-educated adult who means you harm."

I understand her point, but "Who will I report this to?"

Gwen replies smugly, "Uh. Duh, my brother.

Remembering my last upsetting encounter with Ryan and my hot thoughts on Sunday morning, I can't help shouting, "Absolutely not!"

Shocked, Gwen leans back, "Whoa, chill, Jen. What in the world's up with you?"

Realizing my place, I look around the office to see my colleagues peeking up from their laptops and my boss standing with her arms crossed at her office door, almost glaring at me.

Embarrassed, I apologize, "Sorry. I'll keep it down."

My editor sarcastically replies, "And get to work."

Right. Got to get to work. Nodding, I open my email, but Gwen leans towards me again and says, "This conversation is not over."

Ignoring her, I start replying to all my emails and working on the deadline of my latest project afterward while trying to think of reasons to tell Gwen why I can't report the threats to Ryan.

Chapter Seven - Ryan

Ithasbeenonewhole week since I last saw Jenna. She has done quite a number on me. I tried not to think about her tears and words. I had changed my soaked shirt and returned home just as soon as the event ended. When I see the empty mansion, I feel that emptiness I have been feeling for years. That emptiness always disappears when I am around Jenna. It is as though she fills the void inside me.

I also don't know why, but I can't get the memory of Jenna's tears out of my head, and the fact that she was out with a man bothered me. I can't figure out why that bums me out when I have no plans to pursue something with her. Yet, it is somehow unfair.

Ironically, she is single when I don't want to pursue something with her. But suddenly, now that she is no longer single, I find it unfair that I don't have a chance with her.

Ugh, I remember Gwen introducing Jenna as single. I want to ask her, "What the hell happened?" But how can I do that after I made her cry? I was so stupid, saying the wrong things at the wrong time in front of her. I hurt her so badly that she didn't even notice her tears had gone down her face as she left. I thought it would not be long before she told Gwen, who would break through my door to strangle me to death. But Gwen has yet to call me or even drop by. So, is it possible that Jenna hasn't told Gwen yet? What does that mean? Aren't they close anymore?