I rub his head beside him on the couch, "Don't worry about it. By the way, aren't you going to sleep with your mom on the bed?"
Cale looks down, "I don't want to disturb her sleep with my smell."
Looking over at him, I guess I need to get Cale a shower and some clothes when Gwen comes in with another doctor and Cale's size, "Ta-da…I got you some comfortable clothes to sleep in, bud."
I smile at Cale, "There you go. Your Godmother's here."
As I approach the doctor, Cale smiles shyly as Gwen helps him change clothes, "Is everything fine, Mr. Hale?"
I take him to the side, "You tell me. Jen isn't any better than when I left her. Did you figure out what's up with her, doc?"
The doctor coughs, "We think Jenna may have suffered from psychogenic fever."
I stare back at the doctor, "And that is…."
The doctor nods as if suddenly realizing I don't know any medical terminologies, "Oh yes. It's a fever caused by a sudden increase in stress levels."
I inquire, "So, how is it treated?"
"Well, there are multiple ways, such as meditation, removal of what's causing her stress, or medication in severe cases."
I nod, contemplating, "So you've given her medication."
The doctor nods, "Well, there was no way to calm her fever down."
Confused, I stare at him, "But she still suffers from the fever."
The doctor stares back at me as if I am stupid, "Well, no matter the disease or the mode of action against it, it still takes time for the disease to disappear."
I sneer back, "How much time?"
The doctor leaves, almost glaring at me. I scoff at him before turning around, and I realize Gwen is looking at me with an 'Are you stupid?' look. I shrug, sitting back on the couch with Cale.
I make myself comfortable, having not slept for a while, and I don't know when I passed out.
After some time, I hear a giggle, "How can he fall asleep like that?"
I almost startle awake at Jen's voice, "He must have been tired. Let him sleep."
I pretend to stay asleep as I eavesdrop on their conversation, "So you got close to Ryan despite having objections?"
I imagine Jen's blushing face, "I didn't know your brother was so nice."
Then as an afterthought, she adds, "….and so hot."
Yeah, I am the hottest dude when Gwen has to ruin it, "Ew. That's my brother you're talking about, Ms. Jenna."
Jen laughs, her laughter tickling my ears, "Yes. I'm thankful for you and your brother. I didn't know how incredibly alone I was until now. I guess it's time to move on from the past."
Then Jen murmurs, "I don't know how to do that."
Gwen suddenly starts, "How about going on dates? I have many guys waiting in line to be introduced to you."
And I wake up, "Back off, Gwen. Jen's mine."
Jen looks shocked and flustered while Gwen smirks. She probably knew I was awake, "Look who it is, Jen. We caught an eavesdropper."
I'm about to stand up to argue with my dear sister after a long time when I notice an extra weight on my shoulders. Looking down, I see Cale nestled into my arms and can't help being surprised when Jen's voice reaches over, "He was awake until some time ago, waiting for me to wake up. He told me about how you saved and cared for him. Thank you, Ryan. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you."