Gwen's curious eyes light up as she gives me her undivided attention.

"It's because I have no choice but to not regret my decisions. I hope a day comes when I don't have to make a single decision. A day when I can be completely carefree – no responsibilities, just free of everything, everyone and myself…."

Suddenly I feel Gwen holding my hand. Her eyes shine with fear, "Jen. What are you talking about? You're scaring me."

I smile at her, "I'm just saying, 'Don't admire me.' I may seem like a dependable person, but I am not. My decisions, whether I regret them or not, don't matter. All that matters is the result. Do you think I am happy right now?"

Gwen's eyes become glassy as she repeatedly blinks to clear away the tears and turns the other way, "I don't think we should talk about this anymore. Let's go to sleep."

I can hear a slight tremble in her voice. I don't understand why she has such a reaction. All I am saying is that she has dramatically misjudged me. I guess I have misunderstood something. Still, I don't carry on, suddenly feeling a deep need to sleep and forget everything.

"Ryan,… are you? Jen's…go to… hospi…."

Gwen's worried voice breaks through the darkness.

What is it? Did they find something about Cale?

I don't know. I can't hear anything. It's like I am deep underwater. Everything sounds so muffled. I feel so cold but hot at the same time. I can't breathe, and my body feels so heavy. But it feels so comfortable—this darkness. I want to stay here forever.

Chapter Fourteen - Ryan

Rushingovertotheforest under investigation, I ask Gray, "Did you look into the properties related to the big names in alliance with News Daily?"

Gray turns, "Oh hey, boss. Ben just sent me a list of 25 unofficial and 20 official properties. All of them sealed and guarded."

Shocked, I turn to Gray, "So many interrelated parties with multiple properties in the same area. What are the chances?"

Gray's eyes seem fierce, "Not a coincidence. I think they just might be hiding something."

I feel like smoking, "Whatever their secret is, will it interrupt our investigation into the kidnapping of Cale and getting him back safe and sound?"

Gray sighs, "If we hurry, they may detect our presence and relocate him, which can further endanger him. We need to observe the situation first."

I grit my teeth in frustration. We have time, but Jen may not. She may go completely crazy and do something neither Gwen nor I want her to do.

The thundering of dark clouds above foreshadows heavy rain and long days ahead of us. It feels ominous.

Since last night, the sky has darkened, only lighting up once when lightning struck, the rain falling as if an ominous storm was coming. After an investigation of one whole night and one whole day, Gray reports an unusual number of people around the forest at a time like this. Although they look the part of everyday citizens, their gaits aren't normal. Their actions are as if following a routine. Most seem to be carrying a gun hidden among their clothes. Their faces are covered suspiciously. This gives my people a chance to infiltrate their ranks easily.

But it is challenging to investigate a total of 45 properties personally. The properties are heavily guarded, with limited people allowed inside and their conversations containing little information.

Fortunately, luck is on our side as Mike suggests implicating the Armanis on charges of violation of contract and helping our side open an investigation into their various properties, including their property in the forest. Getting the approved search warrant will take some time.

My phone vibrates as I sit in surveillance with Henderson in the car. Seeing it is Gwen, I pick it up only to hear Gwen's tense voice say, "Ryan, where are you?"

My shoulders tense as I ask, "What is happening?"

Gray looks at me as Gwen starts, "Jen's sick. I finally got her to sleep yesterday night, and her temperature suddenly went up to 103 degrees sometime during the night. She keeps sweating ridiculously and has thrown up more than twice. I-I have tried everything. I tried letting her drink something or giving her medication, but she threw it up instantly. I tried cooling her temperature down. Her temperature is just not letting up."

"Gwen, calm down. I'm on my way."

Gray starts the car as if on cue and arranges for another crew to take our place for surveillance.

Gwen seems to calm down as I ask, "Now explain what happened yesterday night? Did you guys eat anything?"

"Eat? No, we were too tired for that. We just talked, and she was so delirious about ridiculous stuff."

"What do you mean?" I inquire.