Fuck the siblings. Throwing caution to the wind, I return the handshake, "Jenna."

Eric grins, bringing my hand to his lips, and kisses it, "Jenna. How about a drink? It's on me."

I accept his offer.

We sit at the bar, and I notice how noisy and crowded it is despite the hour when Eric calls the bartender, "A martini for the lady and me….?"

"A Bloody Mary, please."

I notice an odd look Eric exchanges with the bartender. I'm not so stupid not to understand what is going on. But I don't feel like it is much of a threat than the constraints of my dark room. So long as I don't drink it, it will be alright.

I decide to stay. The loud, crowded disco greatly contrasts my lonely room, and my mind is distracted. Eric tries to talk to me more about Ryan or Gwen, but I make up stories. It is fun leading him on. I don't know how much time has passed as I enjoy teasing the guy. He waits so long for me to down the drink, repeatedly asks, and I distract him by touching his thighs. The poor guy is almost about to burst from his pants, and I must hold myself back from laughing out loud.

Once thirsty, I even make an excuse to taste his drink and place my lips against where he drank from. Eric is getting closer, his breath heavier as he touches my thigh, "Why don't we take this somewhere else?"

I should have known this would happen if I continued my misleading actions. I contemplate hooking up with him for once. He is handsome enough, and it isn't like I am going out with anyone. The thought of Ryan flashes through my mind. Shaking my head to forget about Ryan, I am about to accept his invitation when Eric is suddenly punched.

I stand up, shocked, "Eric?!"

Well, I certainly did not expect that. Turning to look at who assaulted him, I'm even more shocked, "Ryan?"

His dark eyes reveal such murderous rage I feel at a loss, "Gwen, take Jen away."

I see Gwen and the receptionist standing behind him. She looks tired and worried. Well, they are probably concerned about my sudden disappearance. I should have left a note, but Gwen would be asleep, and Ryan would be too busy with his work to even look for me.

I feel guilty just as Gwen comes forward to get me, but I don't want to go back, "No. I won't go back to the suite."

Ryan's murderous rage turns towards me, "Are you testing my patience, Jen?"

Gwen looks at me, her expression astounded, "Are you kidding me, Jen?"

I stand there, not moving, when Ryan clucks his tongue and grabs my hand.

Gwen seems to want to stop him, "Ryan, stop."

But Ryan doesn't listen as he glares at Eric, "Don't come near her ever again, or I'll break your face the next time I see you."

His hand grabs mine so tight it hurts, but he walks on. We are returning to the suite, and I dread the silence there. I drag my feet, pulling away from him, "No. Please don't take me back there."

Ryan seems to snap as he shouts in my face, "Why?! Why are you so against going back? Is it because we-?"

I shake my head, "No. It's –It's something else."

Gwen seems confused at our exchange but looks at me, "Just tell us, Jen. How can we help you if you don't tell us what's bothering you?"

Under their combined focus, I feel pressured, and my nose stings, "I don't want to return to my room. It's too quiet. I hate it."

Understanding shines through their faces. Ryan seems guilty as Gwen frees my hand from his, "You should have said so, silly. Why didn't you come to my room? You can sleep with me."

I sniff, "I didn't want to disturb your sleep."

Gwen smiles and hugs me, "Don't worry about such things. We are friends. I can give up my sleep no matter how unimportant it is."

Even though I nearly hated her before, my heart became heavy, and the tears filled my eyes as I hugged her back, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a burden."

"You aren't a burden at all, Jen."

Thank God we are in an empty hallway. I don't want anyone except the Hale siblings to see me cry. It would be humiliating.