A dead husband traumatized her daily. How much more would the death of her own child, due to her own actions, affect her? We don't know, and we don't want to know.

Reaching the kindergarten, I tell Gwen to stay put as I leave to get some things settled. Meeting the headmaster directly, I explain the situation. I ask him to keep the matter quiet and cooperate by letting us go through the security cameras, having settled half my firm's employees to look over the videos with Ben, my one-time senior in the army.

I decide to head home. Gwen and Jen are probably tired, so just as I enter the car, I find Jen wide awake, "You're awake?"

She ignores my question, "How did you guys get this? It is supposed to be hidden in my home, under my…."

She trails off, realizing what has happened. Remembering a similar moment from this morning, I am about to make an excuse when she smiles at me, "It's fine, Ryan. It's clear that I am not strong or capable enough to handle such matters myself. I guess I'll really have to give it up this time."

Her voice breaks. We can see her struggle to hold back her tears, but the more she tries, the more she is unsuccessful.

Gwen finally can't take it, "Why didn't you tell me, Jen? I could have helped you."

Jen shakes her head, "After the incident, everyone just told me to accept it. They looked at me with pity, thinking I had gone crazy from grief, but I only wanted to know what had happened to him. They kept repeating the same things over and over. Is it so wrong to question how it happened? I lost someone important. Wouldn't you guys ask the same questions if you were in my place?"

Gwen turns her face towards the window in shame and guilt as I ask, confused, "Are you referring to Gwen when you say 'they'?"

"No. Gwen was one, but I'm actually talking about News Daily."

That gets both of our interests, "What do you mean?"

"At the time, the one in charge of reporting the tragedy of Chicago University was another local news station. They had been giving daily updates. Suddenly, they no longer reported the case. Several others and I were desperately waiting for any news, so we called and discovered the case was handed over to News Daily. Still, they should have reported something as well. After some time, people stopped talking about the incident altogether. It was weird, so I-"

"You joined News Daily." Gwen finishes, and Jen nods, "I thought I could find something, but almost every piece of information related to that incident had vanished. I tried contacting other news stations under aliases and people who had witnessed or previously reported it, but I couldn't find anyone. It was as if they had vanished into thin air. But then, once, when I was working overtime at the office, I had some business in the head office, and I found this journal. I had never seen such a record in the office, so I opened it out of curiosity. At the time, I didn't expect I would find anything. But surprise, surprise. It turned out to be a track record of their illegal transactions. I sneakily made a copy and brought the original with me."

At that, I can't stop myself from asking, "Wait. Is this an original? And the copy is at News Daily?"

Jen seems confused as she nods, "Yeah. I made the copy myself and left it in place of this."

Turning, I dial Gray's cell as Gwen asks, "Ryan, what's happening?"

Waiting for Gray to answer, I turn, " Jen, you probably made a copy of this more than a year ago. And all by yourself, right?"

Jen nods, "So?"

Gwen seems to realize, "They probably caught onto you sometime after that. A company with such shady dealings like News Daily wouldn't be fooled by such tricks. They probably had the original records marked. The marks that are naked to the eye. They may be the most likely suspects responsible for Cale's kidnapping."

Understanding flashes through Jen's eyes as I talk to Gray on call, "Focus major surveillance on News Daily, their associates, and properties under their name."

Ending the call, I received another call from Ben, the employee I left at Chicago Kindergarten, "Boss. We have noticed a suspicious vehicle from today's security videos."

"Share the picture of the van, model, and number with all teams in the field and in the headquarters. Have them look for any such vehicles in the compound, whether abandoned or not. Send a picture to me as well."

As I end the call, Jen asks, "Did you find something?"

My cell pings, receiving the image. I hold out the cell, showing the picture to Jen, "Did you perhaps see this vehicle when you dropped Cale off in the morning?"

Recognition flashes through her eyes, "Yes. I thought their identity had been confirmed since they were allowed entry, so I ignored it."

"They do an identity check?"

"Yes. They aren't allowed entry unless one can provide an identity card or relation to one of the students or staff."

"Wait here. I need to go check if they record this information."

Jen looks at me, her eyes begging, "Ryan, wait. Can I come?"

I don't want to deny her anything, but her participation in the case may worsen matters, "Absolutely not. Sit here with Gwen, or I'll send you both home to wait for the news."