"Real mature, Jen." Gwen rolls her eyes, making me chuckle. When she suddenly stands up, it makes me turn, only to be confronted with piercing black eyes.

"Ry, why didn't you call me when you were nearby? Gosh! You must have driven like a madman. Just admit it. You can't stand losing to me, right?" Gwen teases, expecting her brother to respond, but his gaze never leaves mine, and mine doesn't leave him either.

I have never met Gwen's brother, but I would never have expected him, not even in my most active imagination, to be such an eye candy.

He is tall with unbelievably mouthwatering broad shoulders, honey-tanned skin, short black hair, a newly shaved and sharp jaw, a small scar running diagonally down his eyebrow, and deep dark eyes. He. Is. Gorgeous.

No matter how much I try to pull my eyes away, I can't. So when Gwen decides to step in, clearing her throat, I mentally feel grateful to her for helping me not make a complete fool of myself in front of her brother. That would be horrifying.

Gwen smiles as she stands between us, introducing us to each other. "Jen, this is my big brother, Ryan. Ry, this is my best friend, Jenna. Say hello."

Ryan smiles, extending his right arm for a handshake. "It's nice to meet you, Jenna."

Wow! His smile is like a thousand watts of brightness. It might light up the whole building with the current it generates.

And my, oh my. The way he rolls my name off his tongue almost feels playful and suggestive, but I don't want to overthink it and extend my hand to meet his for a shake. "It's nice to meet you too, Ryan."

I can't, for the life of me, figure out just how exactly I'm staying calm, shaking his hand so firmly. I mentally fangirl but return a polite smile, all while stepping back and letting Gwen talk. Thank God he can't read my mind. I'm trying super hard not to make a complete fool of myself. "Ry, it's your lunchtime as well, right? Why not join us? Since you came early, it's my treat."

Immediately brought back from fangirling to suspicion, I turn to stare at my weird friend. Weird, why? In the many years I have spent with Gwen Hale as my best friend, I know one fundamental fact – no matter the time, place, or situation, she never gives in to her brother. Not ever. So an offer of a treat sounds almost like bait.

This rascal is trying to set me up with her brother. Geez. Just how can a person be that obsessed?

Being a fan of killer looks doesn't mean I want to pursue a relationship. I have other important priorities and, unlike some people, can't give them up for killer looks, not to mention a relationship with my best friend's brother. That is a landmine I have to avoid at all costs.

I almost chant, 'Say no, say no, say no…' Unfortunately, the pair of siblings are horrifyingly alike. "Your treat? Well, that's hard to reject."

Mooching off each other and one-upping each other is a trait that runs through the Hale bloodline.

Instead of getting annoyed like she usually would, Gwen smiles. Her smile is even brighter than her brother's. Her obsession has overcome her strong urge to bully her brother forever. 'I can sense trouble coming my way,' I think.

Returning to my previous seat, I notice how Ryan waits for us to take our seats before he chooses his own. 'What a gentleman,'

"Waiting for others to have their seats before sitting down himself. What a gentleman, isn't he, Jenna?" She looks at me as if she can see through my thoughts. What a bizarre friend I have.

Yet again, she responds to my thoughts, "I may be weird, but I am your weird friend."

Oh my, can she see through my thoughts? I almost say it aloud when Ryan chuckles, "Don't worry. She's just messing with you, Jenna."

His low chuckle almost floors me, but I hold on to my urge to break out in giggles as I politely smile back and say, "Yes, I know."

Ryan looks at me like he doesn't believe me, so I add, almost sarcastically, "Why do you think I've remained her friend? Becoming her friend wasn't easy, and breaking it off was even harder. She gets crazy."

Amused, Ryan turns to Gwen, and Gwen lashes out as though affronted. "Hey! When have I ever acted crazy?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe when you crashed in on my college classmate's private birthday celebration just because you wanted to make a statement that I could have no best friend other than you," I start, keeping a straight face.

"Oh, get over it," Gwen says, waving her hand dismissively.

"Oh, I got over it. But Riley, poor old Riley, still goes to the therapist for what you did to her," I point out, making Gwen go silent – in guilt and shame – while Ryan asks in astonishment, "What in the world did you do?"

Gwen groans and hides her face behind her hands as I look back at Ryan and supply the details. "She filled her piñata with toilet water and earthworms."

"Jeezus! I think I would unfriend her right there too. That's too much crazy for me to handle too... Lol," Ryan exclaims.

"I know you are crazy, but just plain wow!" Ryan sighs in astonishment when Gwen almost shouts in guilt and shame, "Why has this meet-up become a punching bag session at my expense?"

"Well, it's weird that you think that. When has it never been a punching bag session for you?" I answer, feigning innocence as I sip my coffee. Ryan throws his head back, laughing, openly enjoying my ruining Gwen's good mood.