I told him everything that happened earlier that day and about the threatening messages I'd received.

I can feel him holding back his opinion, so smiling up at him, I say, "It's cool to say what you think about the situation. You're the expert in all this."

Before letting him start, I hold a finger up, "But still, tread lightly."

Ryan nods with a questioning look. "So, a black car followed you to the kindergarten after you got off work?"

I nod, "Yes."

"And how did you know it was following you?"

"I don't know. After receiving the second message that morning, I was more conscious of my surroundings. I noticed a car resembling the one I overtook at the last intersection."

Ryan nods as he continues, "So you don't know if the car followed you from your home to Cale's kindergarten, then?"

I pause. "Shit. Was the car following me since this morning? That must have been why I suddenly received the message just as I entered my office. If that's true, they know where we live and may have already seen Cale..."

Suddenly having a panic attack, I don't notice Ryan wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Calm down. Take deep breaths, Jen. In and out. In, out…"

I can't tell how much time has passed, but when I return to myself, I can still hear the sounds of the cartoon from the living room, and Ryan is holding me close as his large hands run comforting circles down my back. The motion helps me take in his soothing scent, so I don't let go – I stick close. Ryan seems to have been made to comfort me.

I am so comfortable; I almost miss my son calling me. "Mom, I can't find my coloring book."

Snapping out of it, I slowly push Ryan back, my hands on his abs as I shyly look into his comforting dark eyes. "You okay now?" He asks.

I nod as he raises a hand to wipe tears; I don't know what is running down my face. "Don't worry; I'll help you through this, Jen. I'll be with you all the way, okay?"

I can only nod, too shy to say something. Anything. When the bell rings, and I'm about to panic again, Ryan holds my hand and demands, "Look into my eyes."

I do, and his eyes take away my uneasiness as he says, "Don't worry. I told you I'm with you. Get Cale. I'll get the door."

Right. Cale. I need to get Cale, but I feel uneasy leaving Ryan, and maybe he notices. Hence, he grabs my hand and guides me to the living room towards Cale as he goes to get the door.

I distract myself by trying to find Cale's coloring book. When Ryan comes into the living room with Charles, I sigh, relieved. "It's you. Thank God."

Charles looks confused, "I just came back to drop your car off and pick up mine, but what happened? You, okay?"

He stops talking then and looks at Ryan and me with a question in his eyes.

I smile because I feel it has been too long a day for this. "Yeah, I'm good. This is Ryan. He's Gwen's brother. He'll be here often, so get used to him."

Charles extends his hand for a shake, "Oh. So, you're the unlucky bastard to have Gwen as your sister?"

I am familiar with Charles' rough manner of speaking. Although the guy himself is practically harmless, it still took people some time to understand him. Still, the way Ryan almost glares a hole through Charles with his eyes, I'm almost sure they are not going to get along.

Trying to ease the atmosphere, I hand the keys to the Jeep back to Charles as I speak. "Here are your keys, Charles. Drop mine in my bowl on your way out, and I'll see you tomorrow at work."

I almost push him out when Charles stops, "Whoa. Wait. I've got to tell you something."

Pausing in the hallway with Ryan standing behind me, I ask, "What?"

Charles hesitates, "Remember the charity event at Armani's?"

Glancing back at Ryan, confused, I nod. "Yes…?"

Charles clears his throat, "Well, I think I caught some photos I shouldn't have."

A long silence follows that I don't want to break. I'm not sure I want to know what this is all about. What does he mean by photos he shouldn't have caught? Especially at a charity event hosted by the Armani. They are huge in political circles. And Ryan was responsible for that event's security, so I need to figure out how to handle this.