The softness on his face hardened slightly as he pinned her with a stern look. “You never, ever embarrass me, Elenora Rose. You could throw yourself on the ground in the middle of the store and you wouldn’t embarrass me. I am never embarrassed about you or by you. You’re my babygirl, and I’m so fucking proud to have you as mine. But, I know sometimes a spanking is needed to help relieve stress or anxiety or guilt, so here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to put you over my lap and spank your bare bottom, but I’m not spanking you because you’re in trouble. I’m spanking you because I think it’s what you need, and afterward, I’m going to take care of you and cuddle you. Any questions?”

Letting out a deep breath, she shook her head. She was a mixture of relieved and anxious about being spanked, but who wouldn’t be nervous to be spanked? Even if they weren’t in trouble.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

Smiling down at her, he nodded. “Thank you for talking to me about this. I’m sorry you were worried about me being mad at you.”

He shifted her so she was on her feet between his thighs, and before she could do anything, he had his thumbs tucked into the waistband of her sparkly leggings and her panties. As soon as he had them tugged down to her knees, he pulled her over his lap. That was one of the things she loved so much about her Daddy. He was bigger and much stronger than she was, and though she was tall for a woman, standing five foot nine, he still towered over her, so when he took over like that, she felt so small and helpless, and it was the best feeling ever.

Resting his large hand on her bottom, he used his other hand to brush the hair away from her face. “I love you, little girl. More than you’ll ever know, and I will continue to show you every single day just how much you mean to me. You’re mine, and even when you’re naughty, I still love you. Understand?”

Tears were already falling down her cheeks. Maybe she needed this spanking more than she’d realized. She had been kind of wound tight the past couple of weeks as they got ready for the trip. All the Littles in the family had welcomed her with open and loving arms, but all she could seem to picture when she thought about coming to the Ranch was a bunch of petite Littles who judged her for her size. Boy, had she been so wrong. There were Littles of all shapes and sizes running around just being themselves and having the time of their lives. It was a relief for sure, but all that stress seemed to really sneak up on her.

“I understand, Daddy.”

His hand came down with a loud smack, making her cry out as the stinging pain registered through her body. Before she could really start to wiggle, his hand came down again and again on her bottom, from the tops of her thighs to the fleshiest part of her cheeks.

Tears continued to fall as her body tried to fight the spanking, but his grip on her was firm, so she wasn’t able to dodge his hand. Why she’d wanted a spanking she had no idea because it hurt really bad! But it also seemed as though with each swat to her bottom she felt lighter and lighter inside until a sob broke free, and she let it all out all over the bedding while her Daddy continued to spank her poor, poor bottom.

As soon as the spanking stopped, Hawk pulled her into his arms and stroked her head as she cried into his shirt. Her bottom stung, but everything else felt so perfect as he rocked her and whispered loving words to her until her sobs turned into hiccups and sniffles.

“That’s my good girl. Daddy’s good girl. You did so good, baby. I got you, and I’m never letting you go,” he said softly.

For such a big grumbly man, he could sure be sweet and soft when the need called for it.

“I love you, Daddy. Thank you.”

“I love you, too, Ellie. With all my heart.”

Chapter Five

Maddox and Brynn


“But,Daddy, you can’t come decorate floats with us. That’s just for the Littles.”

Maddox frowned. “I could come watch you at least and make sure you’re safe.”

Giggling, she shook her head. Her Daddy could be just a touch overprotective and possessive at times. And by a touch, she meant like completely over the top. But he meant well and she loved that about him.

“Daddy, you’re going with your brothers and Pop to make implements. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe you should skip the implement class and come watch me make floats.”

Raising an eyebrow, her Daddy stalked toward her until he was just inches from where she stood.

“If you think me skipping the implement class will get you out of having an implement used on your naughty bottom, you’re sorely mistaken, little girl.”

Letting out a sigh, she smiled sweetly at him. “I know. You’re way too good at online shopping, Daddy.”

A knock at the door interrupted them, and when Maddox opened the door, Emma, Kylie, Lucy, and Claire bounded into the room.

“Ready to go? Sadie is on her way to get us and take us to the Littles’ wing. I’m so excited!” Kylie announced.

Brynn nodded and looked at her Daddy who was frowning at Kylie. She had no doubt he was trying to figure out if Kylie was in a naughty mood or not.

“You girls are going to behave, right? If we get called to come get you for misbehaving, all of you will be sitting on sore bottoms for the rest of the day,” Maddox told them, moving his gaze from woman to woman.

Claire nodded innocently. “Yep. We’re gonna be good. We are just going to do crafts.”