“After you take a nap, we can see about going to see the horsies, but you have to be a very good girl and sleep for a bit. I can tell you’re tired.”

She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, making him raise an eyebrow. “Would you prefer to go to sleep with a red hot bottom and then not be able to go see the horsies?”

“No, Daddy. I don’t wan’ a red bottom.”

Nodding, he lifted her from the changing table, carried her to the crib, and lowered her in before pulling the railing up to keep her safely inside. “Want a bottle or your paci?”

“Paci, please. And my stuffie.”

Smiling, he went to their luggage and found her favorite pacifier as well as her unicorn stuffie. As soon as he handed her the unicorn, she clutched it to her chest and sighed as he slid the pacifier between her lips. “Sleep, baby. Daddy will be right here when you wake up.”


Skipping hand in hand with Emma, their excitement doubled as they got closer to the stables. After all the girls had taken their naps, their Daddies had agreed to take them to the stables to see the horses before they went to dinner.

“Not too far ahead, Brynn,” Maddox called out.

Giggling, they slowed down and waited for everyone else to catch up. As they got closer, she could see one of the horses out in the arena swishing its tail happily as it munched on some hay a woman was holding out for it.

“Daddy, look, she’s feeding it! Can we feed the horsies?” she asked, pointing toward the horse.

Maddox moved to her side and took hold of her free hand. “We’ll see, baby. We need to talk to the Stable Master and see what is and isn’t allowed with the horses.”

Letting out a sigh, she nodded. She wanted to feed them and pet them and brush their hair.

“Maybe we could see if we can ride them!” Ellie announced.

Hawk shook his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Doesn’t seem safe.”

All the women turned and shot him an exasperated look. Hawk could be a little… well, overprotective, overbearing, stubborn, a pain in the you know what at times. He meant well but sheesh, he was really being a buzzkill.

“Of course it’s safe, Daddy. They wouldn’t have horses here if they weren’t safe. You saw the safety rules. Master Derek had almost as many as you,” Ellie replied sassily.

Hawk grumbled under his breath but didn’t say anything more as a man walked out of the barn and nodded toward them.

“Evening. You must be the group from Seattle?” the man asked.

Brynn giggled. It was pretty obvious. None of the men looked like they’d spent a day of their life on a Ranch.

Maddox held out his hand for the man. “We are. I’m Maddox Black. This is my Little girl, Brynn. These girls have been dying to come see the horses since we arrived.”

“Nice to meet you all. I’m Travis, the Stable Master, and over there feeding her horse is my Little girl, Wren.”

The redheaded woman, whose curls bounced as she ran toward them, waved excitedly. She carefully exited the arena and locked the gate before skipping the rest of the way toward them, stopping at Master Travis’s side.

“Hi, I’m Wren,” she said excitedly.

Brynn and several other of the women in their group waved at her and complimented her on her hot pink cowgirl boots, making her blush.

Master Travis nodded toward the stables. “Why don’t we give you a tour? It’s snack time for the horses. Maybe y’all can help us give them some carrots.”

Maddox nodded and they all followed Master Travis and Wren into the building.

“All the horses have name plates above their stalls. The ones that have an X on them means they are the personal horses of residents on the Ranch and off limits to the Littles. If they don’t have an X, they are safe and free to pet, feed, and ride,” Master Travis explained.

Brynn looked up at the name plaques and noticed that most of them didn’t have X’s on them. As Brynn came to a stop in front of one of the stalls, the horse inside poked its head out and nuzzled against her shoulder, making her giggle. Looking up at the name plaque, she whispered her name, “Starling.”

The horse’s ears perked up as it nuzzled Brynn’s shoulder again. Looking back at Maddox, she smiled. “Can I pet her, Daddy?”