He was one lucky bastard to have found her. She put up with his crazy, and what was even better was she seemed to love how crazy he was over her.

Once all the couples were standing before Derek, he smiled proudly at each of them. “We’re gathered here today…”


She couldn’t stop looking at her left hand. As they danced, her ring sparkled in the soft lighting, and she couldn’t believe she’d married Maddox Black. Holy hell. Maddox Black wasn’t only her Daddy any longer, he was also her husband.

It was late by the time everything started winding down, and as they’d all promised, there had been no pranks or shenanigans happening. It had really been the perfect day, but now she was being carried back to their suite on her husband’s hip, and she could barely keep her eyes open. Who knew getting married and dancing all night could be so exhausting?

Maddox closed and locked the door to the suite before he set her on the bed and leaned down to kiss her as he placed a hand on either side of her hips.

She grinned mischievously. “Now we get to fuck, right?”

He snorted and shook his head. “No, baby. You’re exhausted. You have dark circles under your eyes, and I can tell you’re sleepy. We’ll have plenty of time to fuck. We have the rest of our lives, remember?”

Sticking out her bottom lip in a pout, she gave him her best pitiful look. “But I wanna have sex.”

Raising one of his brows, he pinned her with a stern look. “It seems to me you want a warm bottom before your bedtime bottle since you wanna argue with Daddy.”

Letting out a sigh, she pulled her lip back in.

Maddox cupped her chin so she was forced to look up at him. “You know your health and safety are my number one priority, and part of your health is getting enough sleep so you don’t get run down or sick. We’ve been doing a lot of activities this week and you haven’t been getting the proper amount of rest, so even though I want to make you scream at the top of your lungs while I drink your cum straight from your pussy, that will have to wait until tomorrow at least because tonight, you need to be taken care of and put to bed. Okay?”

Sheesh. He might be over the top and unreasonable, especially since it was their wedding night, but the reasoning behind it was so sweet and thoughtful that she melted a little and nodded. “Okay, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Come on, let’s get you in the bath and into a bedtime diaper and pajamas and then I’ll read you a story while you have your bottle.”

Letting out a contented sigh, she nodded and knew her Daddy would take care of everything just as he always did. All she had to do was enjoy being Little and submissive, and he would take care of the rest. Maybe she wasn’t getting sex tonight, but somehow it felt like she was still getting something just as special and wonderful. His care, his attention, and his love.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Knox and Addie


“I can’t believewe’re leaving already. Do you think they’ll let us come back?” Addie asked as she and Knox wheeled their suitcases into the lobby.

Master Derek popped out of his office and smiled at them as he walked over to Addie and leaned down so he was eye level with her. “Why would you think we wouldn’t let you back here, little girl?”

She shrugged, chewing nervously on the side of her cheek. “Because we were pretty naughty while we were here. We got into a glitter fight and then we created a Fourth of July fiasco.”

The large man chuckled and reached out, tugging on one of her pigtails. “So what you’re telling me is that you came to Rawhide Ranch, a place specifically made for Littles, and did things that Littles do?”

Hmm. Well, he did have a point there. “Yes. I suppose that’s correct.”

“You and your family are welcome back here anytime, Addie. We enjoyed having you, and if you hadn’t gotten into so much trouble while you were here, I’d probably be a little worried you hadn’t had a good time. I know Sadie, Wren, and Hayleigh exchanged numbers with all of you, so I’m sure you’ll hear about some of the epic pranks they’ve pulled over the years. My main goal here is to give Littles a safe place to play and call home if they need to.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, she threw her arms around Derek’s waist and hugged him. “Thank you, Sir.”

He patted her back. “You’re welcome, Addie. You guys should come at Christmas time. It’s beautiful here around that time of year, and we get very festive around here.”

Ohhh, Christmas sounded like fun. “Okay. I’ll try to talk Daddy into it.”

The lobby started filling with the rest of their family, and pretty soon the room was filled with Littles hugging each other goodbye with tears streaming down their faces. By the time the men got all the women’s tears dried up and the shuttle vans arrived to take them to the airport, everyone had said their goodbyes and given last hugs.

Knox took Addie’s hand and led her toward the van, buckling her in first before he fastened his own belt. Letting out a sigh, she rested her head against the solid warmth of his bicep.

“Thank you for the best vacation ever, Daddy.”