Several service subs walked around handing out blankets for people to sit on to watch the firework show. There was a grassy hill not too far away that would be the perfect spot for that.

Taking Brynn by the hand, he led her over to the slight hill and spread the blanket out while his brothers also spread out blankets. Just like the family they were, they all sat together as a unit, and when Maddox sat down on the ground, he reached for his babygirl and pulled her down between his legs. As her bottom came into contact with the ground, she winced at first, and then he heard her let out a small moan as the plug in her bottom probably shifted as she got comfortable.

Leaning down close to her ear, he whispered, “Daddy’s going to fuck you in that tight little bottom tonight. Are you going to be a good girl and take it, or is Daddy going to have to tie you up before you take it anyway?”

A shiver ran through her, and he heard her breathing catch in her throat. “I’ll be a good girl, Daddy. I promise.”

Softly chuckling, he nipped at her earlobe. “You’re always Daddy’s good girl. I love you, Brynn. I can’t wait to make you Mrs. Black.”

She whimpered softly and leaned back into him. “Do we have to have a big wedding? Couldn’t we just have a small romantic wedding?”

He wasn’t sure why she was asking. He didn’t give a shit what kind of wedding they had. The only wedding he wanted was the one his babygirl wanted. If it were totally left up to him, they’d be getting married tomorrow at the courthouse.

“Babygirl, we can have any wedding you want. Big or small. I want the wedding that you want because my only goal in life is to make you happy. I would marry you right here on this Ranch tomorrow if it were up to me.”

She turned back to look at him. “You’d marry me here at Rawhide?”

Nodding, he cupped her cheek. “I’d marry you anywhere, little girl.”

Master Derek suddenly appeared before them. “I don’t mean to cut in, but I am ordained to marry folks, so if getting married on the Ranch is something you’re interested in, I’m sure we can make that happen.”

Brynn’s eyes widened as she looked at Maddox. “Could we get married here, Daddy? Please? It’s so beautiful here, and all our family is already here.”

His heart felt as though it was going to beat out of his chest. He wanted to marry Brynn more than anything, and if she wanted to get married at Rawhide, that’s exactly where they would get married. “Of course we can, baby. But what about a marriage license and setting it up and all that? We leave in three days.”

Master Derek shrugged. “We’ve set up things on shorter notice before. I can have Moses take you into town in the morning to get a license. There’s no waiting period for one. Then we can have everything ready by the following day.”

Maddox got to his feet and put his hand on Derek’s broad shoulder. “You can make that happen? I’ll pay whatever. Any amount.”

The Ranch owner nodded and smiled. “We’ll talk about those details a little later. For now, you two start a list of everything you want in your wedding and send it to me. I’ll get it into the right hands, and we’ll make it as special as we can. Although”—he pulled Sadie into his arms—“I think when you’re with the right person, that’s what makes it so special.”

Reaching out his hand, Maddox shook Derek’s and nodded. “We’ll get you a list by the end of the night.”

As Derek and Sadie headed to find a spot to watch the fireworks, Maddox turned to look down at Brynn to find her grinning widely. The rest of his family was also grinning. “We’re getting married the day after tomorrow!”

Shouts of excitement and congratulations came from the crowd, and when he sat back down on the ground, Brynn threw herself into his arms.

“I love you, Daddy. I can’t believe this. We’re getting married. Oh, but I don’t even have a dress.”

He cupped her chin and brushed a soft kiss over her lips. “You have that adorable white frilly dress we brought.”

Brynn giggled. “Daddy, that’s a Little dress.”

“You’re my Little girl. And you’ll be my wife and my Little girl, so what’s wrong with wearing an adorable Little dress? We’re in a place where that would be perfectly acceptable.”

She nibbled on her bottom lip for a few seconds before smiling widely. “Okay, Daddy. I love that idea.”

“Me too, baby. Me too.”

Chapter Twenty

Hawk and Ellie


“Daddy,I can’t believe they’re getting married!”

Hawk grunted, seemingly deep in thought.