Hesitating, she slowly put the arm farthest from his body behind her back so he could grab hold of it, completely pinning her in place. Typically this was only something he did when she was in really big trouble and the spanking was going to be severe. And based on the wooden hairbrush that was waiting on the bed, she wasn’t going to be sitting for a while.

“Next time you want to pull a prank, I expect you to think it through first. Are we clear on that, Addie?”

She hated when he used her first name. She was his shortcake or baby or little girl. Addie was for everyone else. Tears welled in her eyes as she nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”


“Are you mad at me, Daddy?”

It would crush her if he was angry with her. She never liked upsetting people, especially her husband.

“No, babygirl. I’m not mad at you. I know you were just being Little and having fun with your friends. I just want everyone to be safe. Okay?”

She nodded and sniffled. “’Kay.”

“Good. Let’s get this part over with, and then Daddy will snuggle you.”

Yeah, she liked that idea. Before she could voice that, his hand landed on her bottom with a loudsmack!

Letting out a whimper, she forced herself to breathe as his hand came down over and over on her bottom, heating her flesh all the way down to the tops of her thighs.


Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she struggled against his hold, and it didn’t take long before she let out a loud sob. With each smack, the plug moved in her bottom, intensifying the spanking even more.

When he stopped, she hoped it was over, but she knew that was wishful thinking, and when she felt the cool wood of the backside of the brush rubbing over her hot bottom, she knew it was just about to get even worse.

“Twenty with the brush, Shortcake. You’re doing well. These are going to be hard and fast.”

She let out another sob as she nodded, and he didn’t wait for any other response from her before he started spanking her with the heavy brush at such a rapid pace that she couldn’t do anything other than scream and cry while promising to be a good girl forever and ever.

Even though the swats were coming quickly, it felt like it lasted forever, but he finally stopped and dropped the brush on the floor before pulling her up into his arms, settling her tender bottom on his lap. The roughness of his jeans made her wince, but she wasn’t about to complain because she really didn’t want another spanking.

He held her and let her cry into his chest, wetting his shirt with her tears while he rocked her and rubbed his hand up and down her back.

“That’s my girl. Let it all out. You did so good, baby. Daddy’s got you. It’s all over now.”

It took a while before her tears subsided and she was left hiccupping and sniffling but he didn’t seem to care, and when he pulled his T-shirt off and started cleaning up her face with it, she couldn’t find it in herself to be embarrassed. That was the type of relationship they had. He took care of her in some of the most intimate and embarrassing ways, but he loved doing it, and she loved that he did it.

“I’m really sorry, Daddy. We really never meant for anyone to get hurt or scared, and we didn’t mean to ruin the Fourth of July.”

He hugged her against his warm chest and stroked her hair. “I’m sure the Fourth of July isn’t ruined. It sounds like pranks happen around here pretty often. You will need to apologize to Chef Connor and the other Littles who got frightened, but it’s still going to be a great day. We still have fireworks to watch tonight.”

She nodded and smiled softly. He was always so good at cheering her up and making her feel better.

“Of course, you’ll be watching the fireworks with that unicorn horn in your bottom.”

Well, that just sucked, but his choice of words had her biting back a giggle. She would accept his decree as part of her punishment because even though her bottom was on fire, she felt peaceful and snuggly and closer to her Daddy than ever.

Chapter Nineteen

Maddox and Brynn


She criedin his arms for what felt like hours. Not only had her Daddy plugged her and spanked her, but he’d also used one of Derek’s implements on her bottom, making her a very sorry Little girl.