
“What the hell were they thinking?” Wolf demanded.

Travis worked to remove all the gear the horses had on, handing the butt plugs off to whoever was near. Wolf took one and studied it. He almost wanted to laugh at the Little brats. They’d done a damn good job turning the horses into unicorns and their choice for the horns was definitely creative, but they’d gone too far with the prank. People could potentially have gotten hurt, and the picnic that Chef Connor had prepared for the entire Ranch was mostly ruined since about half of the food had landed on the ground in all the chaos.

“Derek, I’m so sorry, man. I can’t say for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me if this was Kylie’s idea,” Ash said.

Derek waved his hand in the air. “No need to apologize. I’d almost bet money that this was either Sadie, Hayleigh or Wren’s idea. They have a thing for trying to out-prank the last prank. They were all just being Little.”

Hawk shook his head. “They’re in so much trouble. Was Lucy even hurt or was she just creating a distraction? Where the hell did they find all the butt plugs?”

Wolf thought about that and realized he’d gotten played by his Little girl. She was notorious for creating distractions for the other girls when they were all trying to do a prank. Oh, his sweet Little girl’s bottom was going to pay dearly for that. She’d be having a very uncomfortable plane ride home.

Chapter Eighteen

Knox and Addie


He couldn’t believethey’d pulled that stunt. He was secretly impressed. It had taken a lot of time and planning to pull it off, but they were still in very big trouble.

Thankfully, they had only used the horses that were all gentle and safe for the Littles to be around, and there hadn’t been any accidents that had caused anyone to get hurt.

He held one of the butt plugs in his hand as they made their way back toward the building.

As soon as they stepped through the double doors, the lobby fell silent and a dozen wide-eyed Littles fidgeted nervously.

Knox put his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes at Addie. “What in the world were you girls thinking?”

Lowering her eyes, Addie stared at her hands and he could see her bottom lip tremble which made his heart ache, but the men needed to drive home just how dangerous their little prank could have been.

Master Derek stepped forward and eyed Sadie and then the rest of the Littles. “Did you plan for your prank to turn into a fiasco, or did that just happen by accident?”

Knox looked around the room, waiting for someone to speak up but none of the women said anything.

“Someone better start talking real quick before the punishments you all are going to get start multiplying,” Ash said.

Kylie looked up at her Daddy. “We didn’t think that would happen. We just thought the horses would roam the Ranch and people would spot them and think they were unicorns.”

Ash nodded. “Thank you for answering. Was this prank your idea, Kylie?”

“The idea was really all of ours. We thought it would be fun and silly. We didn’t mean to ruin the Fourth of July. We just wanted to make it extra magical since unicorns are so majestic and pretty,” Addie replied.

The women all looked sad, and Knox almost felt bad for them, but at the same time, they had to have known when they’d planned it that they would get into trouble.

Master Derek looked around at the women with his arms crossed over his chest. “I understand you all wanted to do a fun prank, and the Ranch is a place where I want all Littles to feel safe to be naughty and think up fun pranks, but when they become a danger to others, it’s not funny. You all are lucky no one got hurt, but you will still have a lot of apologies to make after you’re thoroughly punished.”

Addie peered up at her Daddy from under her lashes as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

Keeping his gaze on her, he spoke. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but since they thought sticking butt plugs on the horses to turn them into unicorns was funny, my Little girl gets to have a butt plug in her bottom while she’s punished and while we watch the fireworks.”

Her cheeks turned pink as several other Daddies agreed with Knox.

“I think that’s a great idea, and it just so happens we have enough plugs for each one of our naughty girls,” Master Derek said.

“But I’m looking at a dozen naughty Littles and only nine unicornhorns,” Pops pointed out.

Master Derek chuckledand waved off the man’s concerns as he gestured toward Hayleigh, Sadie and Wren. “Believe me, with all the pranks this trio has pulled, their Daddies each have multiplehornsas well as an assortment of paddles to choose from.”