“Food is all ready. Come eat, everyone!” Chef Connor announced.

Littles and Bigs clapped and cheered as a line at the food table started.

“I want you to sit here while I go make you a plate. If you get up from this seat, you’re in trouble. Got it?” Wolf asked.

Letting out a sigh, she nodded. “Okay, Daddy. But can I have no vegetables?”

He chuckled and then suddenly went completely straight-faced. “Eh, no. Nice try.”

Well, she took a shot.

He set her down on the bench and headed toward the line. Just as he was leaving, Ellie and Kylie plopped down next to her with giant grins on their faces.

Kylie held up her hand for a high-five. “That was great. You did perfect.”

Giggling, Lucy high-fived her. “You guys better stop grinning like that. They’re going to start getting suspicious.”

Addie, Sadie, and Wren joined the table, and all of them struggled to keep from giggling as the other women ate their food.

Just as Wolf approached the table with a plate in his hand, she heard Knox’s voice.

“What the fuck is that?”

All of their heads spun around, looking for whatever he was seeing, and when they spotted several horses walking their way, all of them started giggling. Wolf dropped the plate he was holding when he saw it. Master Derek stood from his chair. Ash and Beau looked around, their gazes stopping when they found their Littles.

“What the hell are those? Unicorns?” Angel asked.

All of the women burst out laughing.

“Told you unicorns were real!” Emma called out.

And then suddenly, chaos broke loose. Two other horses came running from another direction while three more appeared off in the distance.

Screams of Littles sounded as one of the horses trotted between the food table and the picnic tables. One of the Littles climbed onto a chair to get a better look, but she lost her balance and fell onto the food table, causing pasta salads and fruit trays to go crashing to the ground.

Master Travis started shouting instructions at the men on how to catch the horses, but between the hysterical laughing and the screams, he couldn’t be heard.

Lucy watched as all nine of the rainbow-and-glitter-painted horses with butt plugs attached to their heads by their harnesses ran in different directions as several men tried to catch them.

Apparently the horses thought it was a fun game because every time someone got close to them, they ran the other direction, pausing only to grab carrots off the vegetable trays. There were Littles climbing on the tables, others giggling and loving the entertainment, some who were crying, and then there were the Daddies, trying to calm everyone down as the Littles’ Fourth of July prank turned into a Fourth of July fiasco.

It took several minutes before the men were able to get control over the horses, and by the time they were caught, the picnic area was a disaster. There was food everywhere, chairs upturned, streamers pulled down, and so much more. It was a mess to rival that of the glitter bombing earlier in the week.

“Every single Little who was involved in this prank in any way, shape, or form is to march their butts to the lobby right this second. If you were involved and you don’t willingly turn yourself in, we will find out, and I promise your punishment will triple,” Master Derek called out in his booming voice that made a shiver run through Lucy.

Uh oh. He didn’t sound happy, and from the looks of all the other Daddies, they didn’t look pleased either.

She glanced around at the other women at the table, and then all at once, they rose, and the twelve of them walked toward the entrance.

“That did not go at all like I was expecting,” Ellie said.

Sadie shrugged. “Pranks never do. But it was still fun.”

They all nodded and giggled.

“It was fun. I didn’t think the horses would create such chaos, though. I kind of feel bad for ruining everyone’s picnic,” Lucy told them.

Several of them nodded and agreed as they walked into the lobby and sat down to await their fate.