“Oh my gosh, you guys need to get a room,” Emma said.

Hawk pulled away from their kiss and shot Emma a glare. “And you need your butt spanked. Where’s Beau?”

Ignoring him, Emma stuck out her tongue and skipped away. He shook his head, but when he looked down at Ellie again, he was smiling. Emma drove him nuts, but Ellie knew he loved her despite all of that. The bonds in their family were so special, and it was something she would never take for granted.

“Ready to eat, little one?” he asked.

She was getting hungry, but there were things that needed to be done first so she shook her head. “Not yet. I need to go potty. Can I have some juice?”

When his eyebrow quirked, she realized her request for something to drink right after mentioning her need for the bathroom could be considered strange. “I mean to drink with lunch, not right now,” she clarified.

He nodded. “Of course. I’ll take you to the bathroom and then we’ll get you some juice.”

She should have known her Daddy wouldn’t want her to go potty by herself. Personal boundaries weren’t really his thing. But she needed to be able to go without him.

“I’m fine, Daddy. I’ll take Wren with me and we’ll go in the Little girls bathroom that’s close by.”

Grunting, Hawk sighed. “Fine. But hurry back. I don’t like when you’re away from me.”

His sweetness melted her, and she almost felt bad for the prank they were about to pull. Almost. Too bad for him, he was as stubborn as a goat most of the time, so she didn’t feel so guilty as she made her way to the stables to meet with some of the other Littles.

Wren, Sadie, Emma, Kylie, Addie, and Ava were already there. The other Littles had stayed back at the cookout to create some sort of distraction. Lucy was in charge of that because they could count on Wolf to make all hell break loose in the world if she got hurt or anything like that, so she was the best one for the job.

“Okay, ready?” Wren asked.

They all nodded and one by one, the women opened all the stalls that didn’t have an X on the name plate. As soon as the doors were open, they used carrots to lure the animals out of their stalls.

Once the horses were out of the stables and able to roam free on the Ranch, the women took off running back toward the cookout. Who knew how long it would be before there was a unicorn sighting, but they definitely wanted to be there to see their Daddies’ reactions when it happened.

When they got back to the picnic area, they found a group of men huddled around Lucy who was sitting on the ground with her hands over one of her knees. As soon as she spotted them, though, she let go of her knee and smiled at Wolf.

“I’m okay, Daddy. It just really hurted. I’m better now,” Lucy told him.

Wolf was so pale he looked like he was about to faint as he inspected Lucy’s knee. The crowd of Daddies dispersed, and Ellie saw Hawk coming her way.

“I was getting worried. Did you have problems going potty? I should have gone with you.”

Smiling up at her Daddy, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. “Everything went fine, Daddy. Perfectly fine.”

Chapter Seventeen

Wolf and Lucy


“Maybe we should havethe doctor look at your knee.”

Lucy shook her head. No. Not the doctor. Seeing the doctor was not part of the distraction plan. The last thing she needed was a thermometer stuck up her butt.

“Daddy, I’m fine. I promise. It’s not even bleeding.”

Picking her up from the ground, Wolf settled her on his hip and carried her over to one of the picnic tables, placing her on his lap. A second later, Maddox appeared with a sippy cup which he handed to Wolf. She kind of felt guilty for worrying all the Daddies, but then again, the looks on their faces would be so worth it. Plus, she’d get to see unicorns roaming in the wild.

Okay, not actual unicorns but close enough. And it wasn’t really that wild since the Ranch was completely fenced in but still, it was going to be awesome.

She glanced over at Ellie who gave her a thumbs up, and she had to force herself not to grin with excitement.

Wolf held her tightly, and she knew getting off his lap anytime soon wasn’t going to happen. Anytime she got hurt, he went into overprotective mode and wouldn’t let her out of his sight. She was just glad he’d agreed that she didn’t need to see a doctor. Then she would have missed out on all the fun.