“I love you too, baby. Now, let’s get going so you can beautify the horses.”

Carefully putting her new boots back in the box, she set them aside and followed Maddox toward the door, but he stopped short right by the bathroom. He opened the door and pointed toward the toilet. “Go potty, baby. You’re in panties today, and I don’t want you to have an accident.”

Heat spread through her. Even though he’d been her Daddy for months and often kept her in diapers and changed them regularly, she still felt a bit shy when it came to him taking care of her in such intimate ways. She loved it so much, but it still made her blush.

Walking into the bathroom, she turned around to close the door behind her, but he was standing in the doorway.

“Go potty, little girl. Daddy will clean you up when you’re done.”

“I can do it, Daddy.”

Raising his eyebrows at her, he shook his head. “You might be able to do it but it’s Daddy’s job, so get moving unless you need me to help you onto the toilet as well.”

Darting for the toilet, she hustled to pull down her leggings and panties and climb onto the toilet. She was pretty sure it was a taller toilet than most because her legs dangled in the air as she peed. It made her feel especially small, and when Maddox came over and wrapped his arm around her back to lean her forward against his thigh so he could clean her up, she felt so tiny and loved.

He lifted her from the toilet and set her on her feet, pulling her clothing back up for her, then went to the sink and washed his hands. “Okay, let’s go.”

She skipped beside him, her hand in his as they made their way toward the stables. Most of the Littles were already there, tending to the horses while Master Travis and several other stable hands supervised.

Turning to her Daddy, she lifted to her tiptoes to kiss him goodbye. Maddox and his brothers were going to help Master Derek, Moses, and some of the other men get all the floats connected and ready to go for the next morning.

“Make sure you listen to Master Travis and the other guys. Understand?”

She grinned up at him and nodded. “Yes, Daddy. I understand. You worry too much. Sheesh.”

Raising an eyebrow, he pinned her with a stern look. “Little girl, I can stay here and attach you to a tether so you can’t move more than five feet away from me if you’d prefer.”

Giggling, she shook her head. “No, Daddy. I promise I’ll be good. Go have fun with the guys. You guys can grunt and talk sports ball or whatever it is you watch.”

Maddox burst out laughing. “Sports ball? Grunting? Is that what you think we do when you girls aren’t around?”

Shooting him a look, she nodded. “Yes. Especially Uncle Hawk. He grunts a lot.”

“Yeah, he does. Okay, baby. I’m going to go talk about sports ball and grunt with the guys. Call me if you need anything. I love you.”

“Love you too!”

She walked into the stables and hugged Wren, who was practically bouncing with excitement to see her.

“Guess what!” Brynn said with a huge smile. “My Daddy got me pink boots kind of like yours. We can wear them together and be twinsies!”

Wren squealed and jumped up and down. “Yay! Let’s wear them tomorrow at the parade.”

Nodding, Brynn hugged her new friend again. Even though they lived worlds apart, she had a feeling that she’d made a friendship that would last a lifetime.

“Are we ready for tomorrow?” Sadie asked as she walked up.

Wren grinned. “Yep. I hid everything in the barn. We need to figure out how we’re going to get away from the cookout to come to the stables, though.”

“I have an idea for that,” Emma said with a mischievous smile.

Biting her bottom lip, Brynn listened as they talked in hushed tones about their plans for the next day. At one point when Master Travis walked near them, Wren started talking loudly about how the red gummy bears taste different than the green gummy bears. Her Daddy eyed her warily but kept moving and as soon as he walked away, they went back to making their plans.

This was going to be the most epic Fourth of July ever.

Chapter Fifteen

Knox and Addie