Lucy nodded. “Uh huh. It’s true. Fast walking is a thing. I saw it on a TV show.”

Shooting his Little girl a glare, Wolf shook his head. His baby was practically begging for a spanking with her smart little mouth. “Fast walking might be a thing, but that was not fast walking. That was running. All of you were running. What did we say would happen if you ran near the pool, Lucy?”

She shifted from foot to foot, seemingly trying to decide if she wanted to make more excuses or if she should answer his question.

After several seconds, she sighed. “That we would get our bottoms spanked right here in the pool area.”

Nodding, he crooked his finger, signaling her to come to him. She glanced nervously at the other Littles who were looking up at their Daddies who had crowded around Master Derek and Wolf.

“If I have to start counting, it’s going to be worse,” he said.

If she weren’t in trouble, he probably would have chuckled at how quickly she walked over to him, but running by the pool was a safety issue, and he didn’t fuck around when it came to his Little girl’s safety.

As soon as she was close enough, he wrapped his hand around her bicep and led her over to one of the lounge chairs where he sat down and positioned her in front of him. The other Daddies were in the process of doing the same with their Littles who’d been running.

Before Master Derek sat down, he looked at the rest of the Littles who were already in the pool. “Let this be a lesson for you all as well. We don’t play around when it comes to your safety.”

The Littles in and around the pool all bobbed their heads with wide eyes.

Looking at Lucy, Wolf raised his eyebrows. “What are the most serious infractions in our relationship?”

Her shoulders fell. “Breaking safety or health rules.”

Nodding, he started peeling down her bathing suit. “That’s exactly right. And why are they the most serious?”

“Because if you ever lost me, you would be devastated,” she said quietly.

“I’d be more than devastated, Lucy. I wouldn’t survive losing you. What if you slipped and cracked your head and bled out before we could get you help?”

Yes, he was being overly dramatic but whenever she did something that was dangerous, all he could think about was the worst-case scenario.

Her lip trembled. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I was naughty and I knew better.”

“You’re going to be sorry for sure. And if I ever catch you running near a pool again, you won’t swim for the rest of your life. Are we clear?”

Yep, definitely being over-the-top dramatic. But that was his job as her Daddy. She needed to know he would go to the extreme to protect her. It was a form of reassurance for her that he cared so deeply.

“Yes, Daddy.”

There were already sounds of Littles being spanked. Some of them had been stripped naked for their spanking and some of them had their suits pulled down around their knees, but all of them were getting spanked on their bare bottoms just as Lucy would too.


Her Daddyreally knew how to get right to the core of her heart. Sheesh. No matter how naughty she was, he always reminded her just how much she meant to him. And it always made her feel even worse about disobeying a safety rule.

She fidgeted as he peeled her swimsuit down to her knees, leaving her exposed to everyone in the pool area. Not that it wasn’t something that happened regularly at the Ranch. She’d seen several Littles getting their bare bottoms spanked in random places including the restaurant right at one of the dining tables, but now she was actually one of those Littles.

Wolf flipped her over his lap with ease, and because his lap was so broad and she was so short, her feet and arms dangled in the air. He palmed her bottom with one of his enormous hands, and she waited for the sting of the first smack. At least she’d already been out of the pool for the last hour because if she’d been fresh out of the water getting a spanking on a wet bottom, it would hurt even more. She’d learned that the hard way when she’d gotten in trouble one time for splashing in the bathtub after he’d told her to stop.

“I love you, Lucy,” he said right before he lifted his hand and started spanking her bottom.

“Ouchie! Owwie!”

He definitely wasn’t messing around as his hand came down over and over. Even though she could hear several other Littles getting their spankings and could hear their cries, the only thing she could process was the searing pain on her bottom as she kicked her legs and flailed her arms.

“Owwie! I’m sorry!”

Ignoring her pleas, Wolf continued to spank her soundly, covering every inch of her bottom down to the tops of her thighs. As the guilt of breaking a safety rule and the sting of the spanking registered, she let out one sob and then another as tears rolled down her face. She was never going to run again. Not even if a bear was chasing her.