“You gentlemen do knowthey are over there plotting something, don’t you?” Derek asked.

Ash nodded. “If my girl is there, something is definitely being plotted.”

Beau chuckled. “I don’t know. I think Emma is starting to follow in her footsteps. It seems like she is getting naughtier by the day.”

“I swear I think they do all this naughty stuff to give us heart problems,” Wolf added.

The men all stared at the group of women giggling and talking quietly.

“Should we make them tell us what they’re up to?” Travis asked.

Derek chuckled. “Nah. Let them have their fun. We’ll just enjoy spanking their naughty bottoms when they pull off whatever it is they’re planning.”

Knox looked at his phone. “Shoot, it’s past lunchtime. We should call them out of there.”

Hawk nodded. “Girls! Out for lunch!”

The women all giggled as they made their way out of the pool. Chef Connor had sandwiches and fruit delivered to them for lunch so they could eat outside.

Holding a towel up for Ellie, he wrapped her up in it and pulled her onto his lap. “Hungry?”

She nodded. “Super hungry.”

He dried her off as best as he could before he handed her a sandwich triangle to eat. All the Littles must have been hungry because they seemed to be more focused on their lunch rather than chatting. Then Hawk realized they were hurrying because they wanted to get back in the pool.

“You all have to stay out of the water for thirty minutes after lunch. It gives you time to lie down on the lounge chairs and take a short rest before going back to play,” Hawk said to all the Littles.

Several of them, including Ellie, groaned but quickly quieted when the men shot them all a glare.

As soon as she finished eating, Hawk pointed to the lounge chair next to his and held up her pacifier. “Go lie down, baby. You just need to rest; you don’t have to go to sleep.”

Nodding, she did as he said and he squatted down to slide the pacifier between her lips. She smiled at him from behind the guard and reached out to run her fingers over his bare chest. “Love you, Daddy,” she mumbled around the nipple.

“Love you, too, babygirl.”

Chapter Thirteen

Wolf and Lucy


“Daddy, can we go swimming yet?”

“Lucy Sophia, if you don’t stop asking, I’m going to make you stay out of the pool longer. Put your pacifier in your mouth and close your eyes. You still have fifteen minutes.”

She let out a sigh but slid the pacifier back into her mouth and closed her eyes. Knox grinned over at Wolf from where he was sitting next to Addie who had her eyes closed. Wolf grinned back and rolled his eyes. Their Littles could be a handful sometimes, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything because Lucy was his entire world.

When fifteen minutes had passed, he placed a hand on her hip and leaned down to kiss her head. “Time’s up, babygirl. You guys can go back into the pool.”

Letting out a squeal of excitement, she sat up, tossed the towel he’d used to cover her up off to the side, dropped her pacifier, and took off running along with several of the other Littles.

“Freeze!” Wolf thundered.

Lucy, Addie, Sadie, Ava, Kylie, and Wren all froze.

Master Derek stood up and walked toward the women with his eyebrows pulled together. “Sadie, what did we say would happen if anyone ran around the pool?”

Sadie hesitated and took a step back, covering her bottom with her hands. “We weren’t really running, Daddy. We were fast walking.”