Wolf and Lucy


“We’re going horsie back riding!”

Wolf grumbled under his breath as they walked toward the stables. Lucy was beyond excited to go riding. In fact, she was so excited that he’d had to threaten to spank her multiple times that morning in order to get her dressed, fed, and ready to go. If it had been up to her, she would have gone in her pajamas just so she could have gotten to the horses sooner.

“You’re going to listen to everything Master Travis tells you, and if you don’t, I’ll pull you off the horse and redden your bottom in front of everyone. Are we clear?” he asked.

Lucy shot him an exasperated look. “Daddy, of course I’m gonna listen. Sheesh. Did you not sleep last night? Because you’re extra Wolfie today.”

Raising an eyebrow at her, he swatted her butt, making her squeal in surprise.

Wren was bouncing with excitement as they approached and Sadie was right next to her waving at them with a grin spread across her face.

“Daddy said I could come riding with you guys!” Sadie called out.

Wolf watched as Lucy did a fist pump into the air before taking off running, all of the other Littles following along with her.

“No running!” he boomed.

The women had already caught up to Wren and Sadie and were all hugging each other.

Lucy turned as he approached and looked up at him with a smirk. “Daddy, we’re on a Ranch. Running is like… basically a rule. You have to run when you’re outside on a Ranch. The horsies run and the goats run and the turkeys run, so we have to run too, Daddy. It’s the law.”

Oh, God. This Little girl of his. She was becoming sassier and sassier by the day. He hoped it meant she was feeling more and more comfortable with him which, in turn, made her feel completely safe to be sassy. Didn’t mean she’d get away with it, though.

“Well, I’m your Daddy so what I say trumps the law.”

Lucy shook her head and rolled her eyes, but she was grinning.

“Okay, listen up,” Master Travis called out.

Everyone quieted and gave the Stable Master their attention.

“You’ve all read the rules for riding the horses but since some of you Littles… Wren… tend to forget these rules sometimes, I just want to remind you all that while we’re riding, everyone needs to stay at the same pace. If one of you gets your horse running ahead of the others then the other horses will think they’re supposed to run as well, and some people may not want their horse to run. Any questions?”

There was a chorus of noes from everyone. Master Travis nodded and smiled. “Let’s go have you Littles pick out your horses.”


She found the prettiest horse ever. It was black with the shiniest coat and looked like it had white stockings on its feet, and it was huge! As soon as she saw the horse and looked up at its name, she knew it was the horse she wanted to ride.

“I want to ride Magic!” she squealed.

Wolf’s eyes doubled in size as he looked in the stall and immediately shook his head. “Nope. No way are you riding that horse. It’s twice the size of all the others.”

Wren walked up to them and smiled. “Magic is actually one of our most gentle horses.”

Turning to look up at her Daddy, Lucy smiled. “See, Daddy? It’s one of the most gentle. Don’t you want me to be on the safest horse possible? And if she’s the gentlest, that would be the safest.”

Narrowing his eyes at her, Wolf took in a deep breath. She knew he was having reservations about her riding at all. Her Daddy was just a tad overprotective. She was pretty sure he could think of all the ways she could get hurt in any scenario. The big guy was a worrywart.

“Little girl, you’re skating on thin ice. The horse might be gentle but if you fall down from it, the fall is twice as high.”

Tilting her head to the side, she put her hands on her hips. She wasn’t so sure she wanted to keep skating on thin ice, but she wanted to ride Magic, and her Daddy was worrying too much.

“Daddy, I won’t fall off. There’s a handle I can hold on to on the saddle, and look at her, she’s so sweet and gentle looking.”